Experts in scheduling

ROB-EX A/S is an IT and engineering company, specialised in software specifically dedicated to production scheduling. We launched ROB-EX Scheduler in 2002 and have worked closely with planners and manufacturers to ensure optimum usability and focus on the actual needs and requirements that planners experience every day.

With ROB-EX Scheduler we have concentrated our knowhow and expertise in both programming and production management to create a modular system that undergoes continued development and expanding of features and applicability. Our system meets the many changes in requirements facing modern manufacturing. Our system is a software product that provides viewable/graphic, flexible and reliable production scheduling tools for manufacturers across all industrial sectors.

A graphic/viewable scheduling tool

We have applied our extensive knowhow and expertise in production management to create a tool that is applicable in all types of production.

  • ROB-EX is a user-friendly, graphic/viewable and efficient scheduling tool with tested effects and applicability.
  • ROB-EX is integrable with all ERP systems and is used in all industrial sectors.
  • Users range from small manufacturing companies to large international corporations.

Production scheduling designed for industrial end users

ROB-EX is a seller and provider of ROB-EX Scheduler to industrial end users. Customers operate with many types of production including discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing and project manufacturing. We work closely with domestic and international partners and distributors.

ROB-EX is part of GE Vernova.

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Hans Jørgen Lynggaard
CEO, partner

+45 2636 7022

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