Mariane Borring is a planner for JPM (Johs. Pedersen a/s), a part of the JP Group. JP Group is a vendor of spare parts for the automotive industry, and is the largest customer at JPM. “We need to be highly flexible and prepared to adapt to change, e.g. in order to be able to deliver prioritised orders to the JP Group, when they have an acute shortage of goods for sale,” Mariane Borring explains.
Mariane Borring primarily uses ROB-EX Scheduler to provide an overview of machines, and for general scheduling. Her scheduling tasks cover all seven production areas: a department for stamping / punching, two welding areas, pipe bending, robot welding, CNC and fitting. Mariane Borring continues: “I have up to 30 production orders that need to be scheduled before a unit can be sent off to the customer – and I have about 1000 production orders all in all. Scheduling covers about 3,500 operations”.
General scheduling and overview with ROB-EX
”I am really happy with ROB-EX and the overview of machine operations that the system provides,” Mariane Borring explains. “I set up production in Axapta and transfer the data to ROB-EX. I then carry out the general scheduling for each machine. I print lists for the production staff, so that the operators are able to see the production orders that have been scheduled for their specific machine – and the operators then carry out the detailed scheduling for the day. I believe that having a say in the detailed planning of production improves job satisfaction among operators – they are the specialists when it comes to the machines and which items that can be produced using the same tools.”
Inspiration from the user network
Mariane Borring has worked with ROB-EX since 2006, and she is happy to recommend the system to others. She is also a member of the user network: ”It is really interesting to see other companies’ productions and to hear about their approaches to scheduling and the ways that they use ROB-EX. I always come back from the network meetings updated on both new and existing features and possibilities for using ROB-EX,” she concludes.