Polund provides reliable delivery dates and can see the consequences of their priorities

Valid delivery times

Polund perform milling in plastics and aluminium, surface grinding, form parts for the tool industry etc. When working hours are set up in the company, careful consideration is given to the needs and wishes of each respective employee. This means that the scheduled working hours are individual for most employees. C5 helps with the administrative assignments such as billing and accounting, and ROB-EX controls production.

Lars Pors is the managing director of Polund and he is very satisfied with the investment: “Scheduling with ROB-EX enables me to provide our customers with reliable assessments of delivery times. Even more impressively, ROB-EX allows me to give my customers alternative delivery times and prices based on the overview that I have in relation to when individual machines and operators are available. I am able to give my customers a choice between the earliest possible delivery – using the fastest machines and operators and at a higher price, or slightly longer deadlines for delivery and at a lower price. Without the scheduling tools available with ROB-EX, we would never have been able to offer our customers this service.”

Screen image provides important information

The production planner has set up the production schedule in ROB-EX so that he is able to include the following information in a single screen image:

  • Every employee’s working hours and holidays
  • Every employee’s scheduled operations on each machine
  • Setup times on machines and manpower
  • Scheduled workload on each machine per hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year
  • Scheduled assignments with one operator handling multiple machines
  • Scheduled execution of stock orders

Efficient tool for scheduling

In the daily scheduling in ROB-EX the production planner has a regular working procedure. When a new order comes in, resources such as machines and manpower will be booked in ROB-EX. This is done taking already scheduled orders into consideration, and keeping an eye on the work load scheduled for the respective resources. If Polund receive a rush order that requires changes in the scheduled orders, they are immediately able to see what the consequences of this will be for the entire plan, and thereby make a reprioritization which they know the consequences of. The gantt screen image also enables Polund to monitor the progress of individual orders. Therefore, they have full visibility all the way from order placement to delivery of the finished product.

About the customer

Lars Pors and Ole Tolderlund founded Polund Machine Works in 1998. Polund primarily produce to orders and operates as a sub-supplier specializing in milling and surface grinding. Polund wanted better overview and more certainty about delivery times. ROB-EX Scheduler met their requirements.
