This will change the resource view to the one specified in viewName.

Example parameter configuration

Please notice that most parameter values are case sensitive!

Parameter descriptions

(* = configuration required)


The horizon to show starting from the viewStart time. The notation is the same as for the viewStart parameter.
If empty the current view horizon is kept unchanged.


Specify the name of the resource view which should be activated. The name is case sensitive.


The date format is: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
Supported notation: “now” or “this week”, y/year(s), m/mon/month(s), w/week(s), d/day(s), h/hour(s), min/minute(s) and s/sec/second(s).

The keyword “this week” corresponds to Monday morning at 00:00 in the current week. It is possible to add and subtract by specifying for instance ‘this w-3w+2d’ (or ‘this week – 3weeks + 2days’). Please notice that ‘m’ corresponds to month and NOT minute.

If empty the current view start date and time is kept unchanged.


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