A selection of operations on the same resource can be packed within a specified number of hours, with overlap equally distributed on each of the operations. The number of available hours can be entered in the macro settings, but user can be prompted for the value, where the default value are displayed and being editable.

Example parameter configuration

Example of use:


A number of operation is located on a specific resource. The total workload of the operation is 12 hours, but we only allow 10 hours of work per day and wants to equally distribute the 2 hours overlap on each of the operations.


The macro has distributed the overlap of 2 hours equally in each of the intersections on the operations, with 24 minutes on each.

Parameter descriptions

(* = configuration required)

Is overlap between operations allowed to remain within the maximum number of hours.
Default = false

The default maximun number of hours.
Default = 15.0

If true a prompt will show the default values of availableHours and allowOverlap.

Default = true


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