Runtime language configuration


This is a description of how to customize the text shown in ROB-EX in the various dialogs and menus. All the text in ROB-EX is stored in so called language files. The default language is English and the English texts are stored in a file called “”. For instance the Danish texts are stored in a file called “” and if ROB-EX is started in Danish and a certain text doesn’t exist in the Danish language file the text is used from the English (default) language file. For information about how to change the user interface language, see Selecting the user interface language – this page also contains a reference of the currently supported locales, i.e. the supported languages.

Extract the default language files from the jar-file

A language file consists of a number of lines where each line has a left hand key and the right hand text. Each key is unique and represents some text in ROB-EX. In order to find the correct key which represents the text which is to be customized, it’s needed to get hands on the default language file, where all the ROB-EX texts are defined.

The default language files are stored in a so called jar-file, “gantt.jar” which is located in


In order to extract the language files:

  1. Rename “gantt.jar” to Please notice that “gantt.jar” is an important program file and must not be changed or damaged in order to ensure that ROB-EX works correctly.
  2. Double click the “” and browse to “gantt\config”.
  3. Locate the “” file with the correct locale and copy it to a temp folder.
  4. Rename the “” back to “gantt.jar”.

How to find the text to customize

In order to find the key which represents the text to customize open the newly extracted language file and search for the text.

For instance if the tool tip text for the “Show order list” button is to be customized, search for “show order list” in the language file.

From the search result on the screenshot below the key can be identified as “emiOrderList_ttt”.

Then the key must be inserted in a language file in the custom folder. This is described in the following.

Create a new language file (“”) in the custom folder

In a fresh installation of ROB-EX no language file exists in the custom folder. Create a new text file in the custom folder.


Name the text file “”.

All changes to this file will affect all ROB-EX clients starting from same exe file in \bin.

Insert a key into the custom language file

In order to change the “Show order list” text in the above mentioned example insert the key “emiOrderList_ttt” in the newly created language file and define the text to be shown.

Insert for instance

emiOrderList_ttt=Show activity list

And after a reboot of ROB-EX the “Show Order list” button should be renamed to “Show activity list”.

If help needed for identifying the correct language key contact ROB-EX A/S for support.


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