This will perform an XML MRP 2+3 export. The format of the XML follows that defined by the XML Export integration module.

Example parameter configuration

Parameter descriptions

(* = configuration required)

true = Check if changes have been made to operations. Export operations if they are changed.
false = Don’t check if changes have been made to operations, only on production orders.

This is a comma separated list of order status values that should be excluded from the export. See Table 1 for a list of possible values.
Example: 70,80 will cause the macro to NOT export production orders that are cancelled or completed.

selected = The currently selected orders will be exported.
all = All orders in the plan will be exported.

changes = The orders currently marked as changed (dirty) will be exported.

current = If show GUI is true, this option will make the export dialog remember its last settings.

fileName *
The path and file name of the export file.
A timestamp can be constructed by adding a date format enclosed in curly brackets. E.g. FileName-{ddMMyyyy-HHmm}.xml will result in: “FileName-30122013-0910.xml”

See Date Formatting for further details on the valid date formats.

This is a comma separated list of order status values. Only production orders with these values will be exported. See Order Status Table for a list of possible values.
Example: 70,80 will cause the macro to ONLY export production orders that are cancelled or completed.

true = After export all modified (dirty) orders are marked as no longer modified. I.e. if subsequently calling this macro again using “exportOption=changes” then no orders will be exported, unless a change has been made to the order in-between.
false = leave modified orders as modified. This is the default setting. Note that on XML import, orders are automatically marked as un-modified (not dirty) once they have been imported.

true = Export dialog will be shown, enabling user to select export file and options. In this case the fileName parameter does not have to be specified.
false = Don’t show export dialog. In this case the fileName parameter must be specified.

true = This will make the macro completely skip the export if no production orders are changed, i.e. no file will be created and nothing will be exported.
false = If no production orders are changed, the macro will still create a file and export common data like resources and calendar.


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