All ROB-EX Scheduler clients installed as a service shares the same code base from the folder they are installed from. I.e. if you run the RobexIntegrationClientSetup.exe from location c:\rob-ex\PlannerIC\service the client code base placed in c:\rob-ex\PlannerIC is used.
The Integration Client Setup program supports the installation of up to 20 different services running on the same PC. If you have multiple different ROB-EX Scheduler client code bases installed on the same PC, make sure they all use different service numbers. To further clarify look at the following two examples of a legal an illegal combinations:

Legal Configuration:

Code Base 1: "c:\rob-ex\PlannerIC\service 1"
Code Base 2: "c:\rob-ex2\PlannerIC\service 2"

Illegal configuration:

Code Base 1: "c:\rob-ex\PlannerIC\service 1"
Code Base 2: "c:\rob-ex2\PlannerIC\service 1"
 (Service 1 cannot be used simultaneously from two different client code bases!)

Service files

For each client service installed a directory is created in the <sch_client_dir>\service directory named “service1”, “service2” etc. Files and sub-directories of these directories are explained below.

Sub-directory conf

The file “service.bat” contains settings of how the service client and what settings it is launched with. The settings in service.bat are used only during the creation of the service. Once it has been created, edit existing or additional settings using the Windows Regedit tool (Run->Regedit.exe).

Search for the node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\RobexClient_<site>_<instance>\Parameters.

Especially Java->Options may need configuration. E.g.

# Communication Port number (TCP) the Scheduler uses for communication with the
# tray manager and other automation clients.
# If you have existing applications occupying the same port numbers change
# this setting to an unused port and restart the client service.

In case the PC has more than one Java Runtime installed (e.g. a 32-bit and 64-bit Java Runtime), a specific Java runtime may be chosen by editing Java->Jvm. The Java Runtime selected depends on the ROB-EX version.

  1. From new installs from version and later, an embedded Java Runtime is used
  2. For installs prior to version listed above, the Java Runtime pointed to by the %JAVA_HOME% environment variable is selected.

To learn more about the available settings read the descriptive comments directly in the service.bat file.

Sub-directory bin

Contains .bat files to manually install, test and uninstall the ROB-EX Scheduler Integration Client services. They are for advanced usage, since for a typical setup the Integration Client installer and the Tray Icon manager contains similar functionality.

Sub-directory servicelog

Once the service is installed the log-file of the launcher (not the integration client) will be stored in this directory. Use these log files to debug and trouble shoot problems related to the launching of the background client service.

Sub-directory robex

This directory is created automatically the first time an integration client is started up – but only if the USER_HOME_DIR_PATH (as explained in the conf” area) is configured with the default values.
This directory will contain the default settings of the client (ganttPlanner sub-directory) as well as log-files generated by the client (log sub-directory).


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