The route defines the number and the sequence of operations needed, in order to produce a semifinished good or product. Master routes are added to a library which is reused when creating new production orders. Once a production order is created the master route is copied into a production order-specific route. This route is editable typically from the Order list window.
Production order-specific routes are marked with the special symbol .
Typically you will create a master route for each semi-finished or finished product you plan to produce, this also means that the route name typically will include the product no. and possibly other attributes aiding in easily finding the route when creating a new production order.
Alternatively, you can name the route according to the processes it contains, ie. the route name could be “Double milling” in case it contains two milling operations.
Start out creating the two routes for products 101 and 102 as listed in the Scoping the problem section. Additional routes can be added later as needed.
- In the menu select “Edit/Routes”.
- Push the button “New” near the top of the window.
- Enter the name of the new route and press OK. The new route appears in the top table and will initially not contain any operations.
- Choose an operation from the “Operations list” shown on the left side of the dialog and insert the operation into the route by pressing the right arrow button >>. More than one operation may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting with the mouse.
- Operations added to the route are added to the end of the route. Use the arrow up and arrow down key in the right-hand side of the window to change the sequence of the operations.
- Assign a resource for each of the operations in the route, by double-clicking on the Resource cell. The list of alternative resources are based on how template operations were set up in the previous section Creating master operations. If at this point you need to edit a template operation you may press the “Edit operation” button in the upper left corner of the dialog.
- Determine Setup time for the operation. The setup time is entered in hours and can be entered both in HH: MM (eg. 05:30) format or in centi hours (eg. 5.5).
- The processing time can be specified in two different ways
- As a fixed workload. I.e. the operation takes 4 hours no matter the quantity size of the production order. To set a fixed workload, double click the Workload cell and enter the workload time in hours.
- The processing time may also be automatically calculated based on the quantity to produce on the operation/production order and the specified Capacity (Production rate). Double click inside the operation Capacity cell (icon turns yellow) and enter the capacity as units produced per hour. Note that entering an operations capacity value will disable the workload cell (icon turns grey) since the system in that case will automatically calculate the workload once the production order is created. For a more detailed description of workload and capacity, refer to the Operations chapter
- In the text field near the bottom of the window an operation-specific comment/description can be entered. The description will appear in the Gantt chart when the mouse hovers above a Gantt bar. Press the operation you want to attach a description to, then enter the text.
- Create additional routes going through steps 2-9 again.
Additional links
- Refer to the chapter Edit routes for a closer description of the edit route window.
- If you miss a column in the route editor window, learn how to add additional columns to tables in ROB-EX Scheduler in the section Adding and removing table columns.
- For a description of how to navigate and change data using the keyboard please refer to the chapter Keyboard shortcuts.
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