A PowerShell script that will list all ROB-EX services and applications installed on the current PC.


List and document installed ROB-EX Services and Applications for an on-prem ROB-EX deployment. Typically used in order to document

  • what ROB-EX modules a customer has chosen to install and in what folders they are located.
  • what ROB-EX services a customer has installed (License Server service, Multiuser Server service, Integration Client services, etc.)
  • what port numbers a specific ROB-EX service is using
  • etc.

The script is also helpfull to run prior to updating to a new ROB-EX version in order to map out the best update procedure. I.e. is the customer coming from an older 6.x deployment etc.

This is an example of a typical output from running the script (columns width has been reduced for the purpose of keeping an overview)

ROB-EX Services detected for host RBXSRV1                                                           

Name                 DisplayName         State   Ports     StartMode Login     Path       
----                 -----------         -----   -----     --------- -----     ----       
RobexClient_site2_2  RobexClientx64 Int  Running 10000     Auto      NT Author C:\Prog.
RobexLicenseServer1x ROB-EX License Ser  Running 11900     Auto      LocalSyst C:\Prog.
ROB-EXServerG2Instan ROB-EX Server G2 I  Running 1433,9090 Auto      LocalSyst C:\Prog.
RobexClient_site1_1  RobexClientx64 Int  Running 9999      Auto      NT Author C:\Prog.

ROB-EX Applications detected for host RBXSRV1

Folder         Type            Version   JarDate    Sharename         Database       Path   
------         ----            -------   -------    ---------         --------       -----   
ganttServerG2  MultiuserServer 08-03-2022                   GanttMultiuser C:\P. 
Planner        PlannerIC 06-10-2022 \\RBXSRV1\Planner                C:\P.
LicenseServer  LicenseServer  10-01-2023                                  C:\P.

Pre-requisites for running the script

  1. Powershell 5.0 or newer (Windows Server 2016 is from start born with v5.1 – but even 2008R2 Server can be upgraded to Powershell 5.1, see Misc section below). It is possible to check the PowerShell version by opening a PowerShell terminal and then enter $PSVersionTable
  2. Write-access to the folder where the .ps1 script is located
  3. Read-access to folders and files containing ROB-EX applications and services is required. Specially files like application.yml and config.json
  4. During execution some files will temporarily be unpacked to %LOCALAPPDATA%\ROB-EX\robex-install-info. Read and write permission to that area is required

Download the script

Download the PowerShell script to your ROB-EX server from this link (right click and select Save link as...)
Place the script in a location you choose. A recommended location could be c:\install\robex on the ROB-EX server you want to document.

Running the script

To run the script right click the .ps1 file in File Explorer and select Run with PowerShell

After the script has run to completion the full output is available in a robex-install-info-<date>.txt file in the same folder as the .ps1 script.


  • Ports used by JBoss MultiuserServer (v6.4 and older) are currently not being discovered. Only port lookup of MultiuserServer 7.0 and later is supported.
  • Ports used by older Wrapper services are currently not being discovered. Only ports used by Procrunner based services are supported.


Note that even for Windows Server 2008R2 it is possible to install PowerShell 5.1, even if the server was born with an older version. Server 2008R2 is born with PowerShell 2. Read here about how to upgrade: https://www.rootusers.com/install-powershell-5-windows-server-2008-r2/


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