Below is a list of possible variables to access column/field values from operation, production order, project etc. These are the same variables used, when you add columns through the field chooser in ROB-EX and presented in a table. As an example the order list.
The variable names listed here are useful when customizing reports to suit specific customer requirements. But also in many other places like macros and GanttSetup configuration files, it is common to reference the variables. Depending on the situation, the variable must sometimes be embraced by curly brackets. E.g. writing {opr_name}
will fetch the name of the operation. The documentation will state what the required notation is.
Each object class describes to where the variable belongs. For instance the {order_quantity}
field will extract the quantity from the selected production order. If the source is an operation, then the order is found via what order the operation belongs to.
Id |
Name |
Description |
DataLogGivenHasLogsLayoutItem |
Has logs |
Return whether or not the given object (operation, order etc) has any data logs. |
DataLogGivenIndexLayoutItem |
Log message at index |
Returns the data log at the given index |
DocumentNameLayoutItem |
Document name |
The name of the attached document. If multiple documents are attached, the first from the sorted order is shown. Use the ‘Visible document indexes’-property to give a semicolon separated list of indexes to be shown, starting from 0. Example: 0;1 will show the names of the first two documents from the list of sorted documents. |
DocumentPathAndNameLayoutItem |
Document path & name |
The path and name of the attached document. If multiple documents are attached, the first from the sorted order is shown. Use the ‘Visible document indexes’-property to give a semicolon separated list of indexes to be shown, starting from 0. Example: 0;1 will show the paths and names of the first two documents from the list of sorted documents. |
DocumentPathLayoutItem |
Document path |
The path of the attached document. If multiple documents are attached, the first from the sorted order is shown. Use the ‘Visible document indexes’-property to give a semicolon separated list of indexes to be shown, starting from 0. Example: 0;1 will show the paths of the first two documents from the list of sorted documents. |
LastDataLogLayoutItem |
Latest log messages |
Returns a defined number of the latest data logs. |
OperationWorkloadPerResourceTypeLayoutItem |
Workload per resource type (Common) |
Group operation workload by specified resource type name. In “Edit -> Resource” it is possible to manage resource types and assign them to the resources. In order to use it on reports specify the resource type like this:
project.LayoutItem.OperationWorkloadPerResourceTypeLayoutItem.resTypeName=Engineering” |
VeryLastDataLogLayoutItem |
Latest log message |
Returns the last data log. |
common_baseline_diff |
Baseline diff |
Shows the difference between planned end and actual end for operations in progress.
If behind schedule a negative number will appear. |
common_baseline_end_is_late |
Late end (Common) |
Shows an exclamation mark if the actual end date is after the planned end date, and thus the operation is finished later than planned. It will also show if current day is after planned end day |
common_baseline_start_is_late |
Late start (Common) |
Shows an exclamation mark if the actual start date is after the planned start date, and thus the operation is started later than planned. It will also show if current day is after planned start day |
common_changed_date |
Changed date (Common) |
The date that this object was last changed. |
common_description |
Description (Common) |
common_duration |
Duration (Common) |
Shows the difference between start and end – of an operation, order or a project. |
common_early |
Early (Common) |
Shows the difference between earliest operation start and start date on either an order or a project. Not applicable for an operation. Used in KPI. |
common_has_violated_constraints |
Constraint warning (Common) |
Shows an exclamation mark if:
1. There’s an operation which starts earlier than the previous one in the route. |
common_id |
Id (Common) |
Shows the uique id of the object, i.e. a project, order or an operation etc. |
common_index_in_project |
Index in project |
For orders/projects, if they are in a project, returns their index in that project. |
common_isDirty |
Is dirty (Common) |
Is this object marked as changed. Thus it will get exported next time. |
common_isLate_backlog |
Is late backlog (common) |
Returns whether or not an operation is late or in cases wherethere are multiple operations e.g. orders, whether or not any operations is late.
An operation is late, if it is in state PLANNED or START POSSIBLEbut its planned start time is before now or if the operation is in state STARTED or PAUSED but its actual end is before now, otherwise it is not late. |
common_late |
Late (Common) |
Shows the difference between latest operation end and delivery/end date on either an order or a project. Not applicable for an operation. Used in KPI. |
common_late_hours |
Late in hours (Common) |
Shows the difference between latest operation end and delivery/end date on either an order or a project. Not applicable for an operation. Used in KPI. |
common_lead |
Lead (Common) |
Shows the difference between (earliest) start and (latest) end – of an operation, order or a project. Used in KPI. |
common_name |
Name (Common) |
Shows the name of the object, i.e. a project, order or an operation etc. |
common_price_realised_sum |
Price realized, sum (Common) |
Shows the realized price of an operation, or the sum of an order or a project including the realized price of the order/project itself. |
common_process_div_by_lead |
Workload / lead (Common) |
The workload divided by the leadtime (duration). This gives the “efficiency” of the schedule. Used in KPI. |
common_quantity |
Quantity (Common) |
Shows the quantity of an operation or the quantity sum of an order or a project. |
common_resource_description |
Resource description (Common) |
For an operation this returns its resource’s description. For route/order this returns a list of resource descriptions for all operations. |
common_resource_id |
Resource id (Common) |
Shows the unique id of the selected resource for an operation. For orders or projects it shows a list of resource ids. |
common_resource_name |
Resource (Common) |
Shows the name of the selected resource for an operation. For orders or projects it shows a list of resources. |
common_setup |
Setup (Common) |
Shows the setup time of an operation or the sum for an order or a project. |
common_site_id |
Site id (Common) |
Shows the site id of the site this object belongs to |
common_status |
Status (Common) |
Shows the status of a project, order or an operation. |
common_status_level |
Status level (Common) |
Shows the status level of a project, order or an operation. |
common_switchover |
Switch over (Common) |
Shows the switch over time of an operation or the sum for an order or a project. |
common_workload |
Workload (Common) |
Shows the workload for each operation or the sum of workload in a production order or a project. Notice that operations on a resource which doesn’t contribute to the workload graph will not contribute to the workload sum. |
order_tree |
Name |
Special field used in project overview to show the project tree. The field has some advanced settings that can be used to specify a Viewlayout for each of the tree nodes: project, order, operation. |
resource_views |
Resource views |
Show all the names of the resourceviews this object is using resources from. |
Id |
Name |
Description |
material_alternate_std_unit |
Alternate std. unit |
This alternate std. unit is used where no other unit is specified |
material_alternate_unit_type |
Alternate unit type |
Specify an alternate unite type in order to convert between two unit types, I.E. from volume to weight. A conversion factor must be specified. |
material_color |
Color |
material_conversion_factor |
Conversion factor |
Conversion factor to convert between unit type and alternate unit type. |
material_critical_procurement_date |
Critical procurement date |
The earliest possible arrival of a procurement of the given material. |
material_custom_boolean_1 |
Boolean 1 |
material_custom_boolean_2 |
Boolean 2 |
material_custom_double_1 |
Float 1 |
Float 1 |
material_custom_double_2 |
Float 2 |
Float 2 |
material_custom_int_1 |
Integer 1 |
Integer 1 |
material_custom_int_2 |
Integer 2 |
Integer 2 |
material_custom_text_1 |
Text 1 |
material_custom_text_2 |
Text 2 |
material_description |
Description |
material_join_look_ahead |
Join look ahead |
The join look ahead is the number of hours to look ahead when finding demands to join. |
material_max_order_quantity |
Max. order quantity |
The maximum order quantity is the maximum value an order quantity can have for new orders. |
material_min_order_quantity |
Min. order quantity |
The minimum order quantity is the minimum value an order quantity can have for new orders. |
material_name |
Name |
material_number |
No. |
material_order_multiple |
Order multiple |
The order multiple is the multiple an order quantity must be in for new orders. |
material_priority |
Priority |
The priority of this material |
material_procurement_calendar |
Procurement calendar |
The calendar used in procurement of the given material. |
material_procurement_leadtime |
Procurement leadtime (days) |
The time in days it will take for a procurement of the given material to be available. |
material_procurement_type |
Procurement type |
Setup if the material is to be produced internally, externally or both. |
material_settings |
Settings |
More settings |
material_shelf_life |
Shelf life |
The standard shelf life of a material. This value can be overridden on the BOM line on an operation. |
material_shelf_life_settings |
Shelf life settings |
Settings concerning shelf life |
material_significant_in_pegging |
Use in pegging |
A true/false saying if the pegging macro should consider this material during pegging. |
material_significant_in_planning |
Use in planning |
A true/false saying if planning rules should consider this material during scheduling with BOM as a constraint. |
material_std_unit |
Std. unit |
This std. unit is used where no other unit is specified |
material_type |
Material type |
Setup if the material for instance is a semifinished product or a finished product. |
material_unit_type |
Unit type |
The unittype influence the set of unit’s that can be chosen |
material_use_transaction_status_on_inventory_calc |
Use BOM line status |
Use BOM line status on inventory calculation. If a BOM line has status ‘Unconfirmed’ a possibly subsequent counting will be adjusted by the BOM quantity. |
rawmaterialproperty |
Property (Material) |
Id |
Name |
Description |
raw_material_access_actual_consumption |
Actual consumption |
The actual consumption/production of the material access. Can be used to override the ‘expected’ consumption/production of the access. |
raw_material_access_consumption_method |
Consumption method |
The method for consuming/producing a material on an access e.g. start, end or linear. |
raw_material_access_effective_access |
Calculated amount |
The effective or calculated production/consumption of the access, this accounts for unit factor. For consumption this is a negative number. |
raw_material_access_linked_to_operation |
Linked to operation |
If the material access is linked to (dependent of) an operation the name of that operation will be shown in this column. |
raw_material_access_linked_to_order |
Linked to order |
If the material access is linked to (dependent of) an order the name of that order will be shown in this column. |
raw_material_access_material_shortage |
Material shortage colors |
Show the material shortage color scheme per BOM line |
raw_material_access_offset_hours |
Offset in hours |
Offset in hours compared to the host operation |
raw_material_access_offset_pct |
Offset in pct |
Offset in pct compared to the host operation |
raw_material_access_offset_qty |
Offset in qty |
Offset in qty compared to the host operation |
raw_material_access_rate |
Rate |
The rate at which the access is consumed/produced. This is only applicable if the access strategy is not ‘Fixed’. |
raw_material_access_static_quantity |
Static quantity |
The static quantity consumed/produced by this access. This is only applicable if the access strategy is ‘Fixed’. |
raw_material_access_strategy |
Strategy |
The material access strategy. Fixed, per piece or units per hour. |
raw_material_access_type |
Type |
The material access type, consuming or producing. |
raw_material_access_unit |
Unit |
The material access unit. If the unit type is e.g. ‘Lenght’, this could be ‘cm’, ‘m ‘ or ‘inch’. |
raw_material_access_warehouse |
Warehouse |
raw_material_transaction_alternative_material_option |
Alternative material option |
Specify if this is a primary material or an alternative material. The macro “UpdateMaterialDates” can substitute a primary material by one or more alternatives if not enough in stock. |
raw_material_transaction_amount |
Amount |
Amount |
raw_material_transaction_begin_date |
Start date |
Start date |
raw_material_transaction_custom_boolean1 |
Custom boolean1 |
raw_material_transaction_custom_boolean2 |
Custom boolean2 |
raw_material_transaction_customer |
Customer |
The customer |
raw_material_transaction_description |
Description |
raw_material_transaction_diluted_amount |
Diluted amount |
Diluted amount |
raw_material_transaction_disabled |
Disabled |
If the transaction is disabled it will not influence the material graph. |
raw_material_transaction_end_date |
End date |
End date |
raw_material_transaction_expiration_date |
Expiration date |
Expiration date |
raw_material_transaction_internal_batch_no |
Internal batch no. |
raw_material_transaction_line_no |
Line no. |
Set the line no. on a transaction in order to control the sequence. |
raw_material_transaction_material_name |
Name |
raw_material_transaction_material_number |
No. |
raw_material_transaction_responsible |
Responsible |
raw_material_transaction_resulting_warehouse_inventory |
Resulting inventory |
the resulting inventory, in the warehouse and of the material of the transaction |
raw_material_transaction_shelfLife |
Shelf life |
The std shelf life set on the material can be overridden on the transaction. |
raw_material_transaction_state |
State |
If the state is set to ‘Unconfirmed’ a possibly subsequent counting will get adjusted by the BOM line quantity. Notice that field on master material ‘Use BOM line status’ must be enabled, or GanttSetup option ‘’ must be set to ‘on’. If no state is set it is considered ‘Unconfirmed’. See the manual for more info. |
raw_material_transaction_status_changed_initials |
Status changed by |
raw_material_transaction_supplier |
Supplier |
raw_material_transaction_supplier_batch_no |
Supplier batch no. |
raw_material_transaction_type |
Transaction type |
Shipment/counting/purchase |
raw_material_transaction_warehouse_selection_strategy |
Warehouse selection strategy |
Specify a strategy for how a warehouse should be selected. With the “Default” strategy the warehouse is selected manually from the list. Other strategies exist to update the warehouse selection automatically. |
rawmaterialtransactionproperty |
Property (MaterialTransaction) |
Id |
Name |
Description |
operation_end_on_time_state |
Operation on-time end state |
The Operation’s on-time end state. The state depends on the relative distance between the planned end and actual end of the operation. |
operation_end_on_time_state_color |
Operation on-time end state color |
The color of the Operation’s on-time end state. |
operation_end_on_time_state_color_hex |
Operation on-time end state hex color |
The hex color representation of the Operation’s on-time end state. |
operation_end_on_time_state_level |
Operation on-time end state level |
The level representation of the Operation’s on-time end state. |
operation_start_on_time_state |
Operation on-time start state |
The Operation’s on-time start state. The state depends on the relative distance between the planned start and actual start of the operation. |
operation_start_on_time_state_color |
Operation on-time start state color |
The color of the Operation’s on-time start state. |
operation_start_on_time_state_color_hex |
Operation on-time start state hex color |
The hex color representation of the Operation’s on-time start state. |
operation_start_on_time_state_level |
Operation on-time start state level |
The level representation of the Operation’s on-time start state. |
operationdelivery |
Deliverytime |
operationproperty |
Property (Operation) |
opr_actual_end_time |
Actual End |
Shows the actual end time for operations in progress (started or higher). |
opr_actual_start_time |
Actual start |
Shows the actual start time for operations in progress (started or higher). |
opr_baseline1_end |
Baseline 1 end |
The baseline 1 end time |
opr_baseline1_start |
Baseline 1 start |
The baseline 1 start time |
opr_capacity |
Capacity |
The capacity of the operation, i.e. units per hour. |
opr_custom_boolean1 |
Boolean 1 |
Free boolean field |
opr_custom_boolean2 |
Boolean 2 |
Free boolean field |
opr_custom_double1 |
Float 1 |
Free float field. |
opr_custom_int1 |
Integer 1 |
Free integer field. |
opr_custom_int2 |
Integer 2 |
Free integer field. |
opr_custom_text1 |
Text 1 |
Free text field. |
opr_custom_text2 |
Text 2 |
Free text field. |
opr_custom_text3 |
Text 3 |
Free text field. |
opr_custom_text4 |
Text 4 |
Free text field. |
opr_cycle_time_hours |
Cycle time (hours) |
Average cycle time in hours. Workload in hours divided by quantity. |
opr_cycle_time_minutes |
Cycle time (minutes) |
Average cycle time in minutes. Workload in minutes divided by quantity. |
opr_delivery_datetime_isOverwritten |
Delivery date overwritten |
Returns true if the operation has its own delivery date, false otherwise. |
opr_dep_on |
Depends on |
The operation numbers this operation depends on. Operation networks can be edited here by specifying a comma separated list of operations numbers the operation must depend on. |
opr_description |
Description |
opr_disabled |
Disabled |
Is the operation disabled (If disabled it will act as if it does not exist) |
opr_duration |
Duration |
The difference between start -and end time. If the operation respects a resource calendar, the duration will normally be different from the workload. |
opr_efficiency |
Efficiency |
If 50% the operation will take twice the time to finish. |
opr_end_time |
End |
The end time of the operation. If the operation is in progress (started or higher) this will show the actual end time. |
opr_end_time_readable |
End (Readable) |
The end time of the operation in a readable format. |
opr_first_access |
First material in list |
The name of the first material which the operation consumes or produces. |
opr_flow_master |
Flow master |
TankSplit: When using flow scheduling this operation will be a flow master |
opr_flow_slave |
Flow slave |
TankSplit: When using flow scheduling this operation will be a flow slave (updated according to flow masters) |
opr_gross_quantity |
Gross quantity |
Quantity * quantity factor |
opr_group |
Group |
The operationgroup this operation belongs to. |
opr_id |
Opr. id |
The unique id of an operation. Generated by the system and cannot be changed by the user. |
opr_label |
Opr no. |
opr_last_progress_report |
Last progress report |
opr_level |
Level |
The level of the operation in the sequence (network) |
opr_locked |
Operation locked |
Shows if the operation is locked. If it’s locked it can not be moved in time. |
opr_material_calendar |
Material |
The expected time where the raw material is in stock. |
opr_material_datetime_isOverwritten |
Material date overwritten |
Returns true if the operation has its own material date, false otherwise. |
opr_name |
Name |
The name of an operation. It’s normally inherited from the template operation. |
opr_next_resource |
Prev. res. |
The name of the resources of connected operations before this resource. |
opr_num |
The operations number in this sequence |
opr_overall_progress_hours |
Progress in hours |
Progress in hours of the total workload (including setup, switch over etc.). I.e. if there’re two hours of setup time and there’re reported four hours, the setup time will get finished and there will be reported two hours of the workload. If hours has been reported in workload then setup is assumed to be done and is then not included. |
opr_overall_progress_hours_left |
Progress left in hours |
Remaining hours – including setup, switch over etc. |
opr_overall_progress_pct |
Progress % |
Progress in percent of the total workload (including setup, switch over etc.). I.e. if there’re two hours of setup time and there’re reported four hours, the setup time will get finished and there will be reported two hours of the workload. |
opr_overall_progress_pct_left |
Progress left % |
opr_overlap |
Overlap |
Shows the overlap in hours set on the operation. |
opr_pause_process |
Pause process |
TankSplit: When using tank split the “PAUSE_PROCESS” option indicates that the processing equipment can pause (splits not hardlinked to each other) |
opr_planned_end_time |
Planned end |
Shows the planned end time for an operation. This might be different from actual end time for an operation in progress. |
opr_planned_start_time |
Planned start |
Shows the planned start time for an operation. This might be different from actual start time for an operation in progress. |
opr_planning_factor |
Planning factor |
If the calendar factor on a resource is 6 and an operation has planning factor of 2 then 3 operations can run in parallel on the resource. |
opr_post_queue |
Post queue time |
The post queue time is after the switch over time and do not respect the resource calendar. |
opr_pre_queue |
Prev. queue time |
Pre queue time is before setup time and do not respect the resource calendar. |
opr_previous_resource |
Prev. res. |
The name of the resources of connected operations before this resource. |
opr_price_realised |
Price realized |
The price of this operation. This can be fixed or calculated from an hour rate on the resource. |
opr_progress_quantity |
Progress quantity |
opr_progress_quantity_left |
Progress left in quantity |
opr_progress_quantity_scrap |
Scrap quantity |
The quantity of bad pieces produced. This will not influence the progress left. |
opr_progress_setup_hours_left |
Setup progress left in hours |
Remaining setup hours. |
opr_progress_switchover_hours_left |
Switchover progress left in hours |
Remaining switchover hours. |
opr_progress_workload_hours |
Progress, wl in hours |
Progress of just the workload. When entering in this field a possibly planned setup time will be completed as well (provided nothing is already reported there). |
opr_progress_workload_hours_extra |
Progress wl in hours, extra |
If the work performed on the operation exceeds the planned workload, the exceeding part can be specified on this field. |
opr_progress_workload_hours_left |
Workload progress left in hours |
Remaining workload hours. |
opr_quantity |
Quantity |
The quantity of the operation. Specify 0 to use the order quantity. |
opr_quantity_factor |
Quantityfactor |
A factor which the quantity is multiplied by. |
opr_quantity_in |
Quantity In |
When using waste, it’s possible to specify either the ingoing or outgoing quantity and get the “other” calculated from a waste factor. |
opr_quantity_out |
Quantity Out |
When using waste, it’s possible to specify either the ingoing or outgoing quantity and get the “other” calculated from a waste factor. |
opr_quantity_prod/rem |
Opr qty prod. / qty rem. |
Quantity produced / quantity remaining. Displays the amount of quantity before and after now. |
opr_resource |
Resource |
The name of the selected resource. |
opr_resource_reservation |
Resource reservation |
The resource reservation this operation belongs to |
opr_setup |
Setup time |
The setup is performed before the workload. |
opr_setup_decimal |
Setup time (decimal) |
The amount of setup required for the operation, in hours. Shown as a decimal number. |
opr_setup_progress_pct |
Progress setup % |
Progress of just the setup time. |
opr_splitMember |
Split member |
Shows “Yes” if the operation is a split member. Otherwise “No”. |
opr_split_as_next |
Split as next |
TankSplit: If next operation is a tank split operation and splitted during scheduling this operation will be split in the same amounts |
opr_split_as_previous |
Split as prev. |
TankSplit: If previous operation is a tank split operation and splitted during scheduling this operation will be split in the same amounts |
opr_start_time |
Start |
The start time of the operation. If the operation is in progress (started or higher) this will show the actual start time. |
opr_start_time_readable |
Start (Readable) |
The start time of the operation in a readable format. |
opr_state |
Status |
The status of the operation, i.e. planned, started etc. |
opr_state_level |
Status level |
The status of the operation, i.e. planned, started, represented as an integer |
opr_sub_operations |
Sub-oprs. |
Number of sub-operations attached to this operation. |
opr_subop |
Is sub-op. |
Is this operation an sub-operation. |
opr_subop_link_step |
Sub-op. link |
The step this sub operation is linked to it’s main operation with. |
opr_subop_parent |
Sub-op. parent |
The parent of this sub-operation |
opr_subop_update_type |
Sub-op. update |
The field which is updated when the main operation changes |
opr_switchover |
Switch over time |
The switch over is peformed after the workload. |
opr_switchover_decimal |
Switchover time (decimal) |
The amount of switchover time required for the operation, in hours. Shown as a decimal number. |
opr_switchover_progress_pct |
Progress switch over % |
Progress of just the switch over time. |
opr_tags |
Tags |
Comma separated list of tags associated with the operation |
opr_tank_split_op |
Tank Split |
TankSplit: Use special tank split planning for this operation |
opr_target_workload |
Target workload |
Target workload. Operation workload is copied to this field as long as the operation state is below or equal to the statusSetpoint setting (operation.targetWorkload.statusSetpoint in Default statusSetpoint is 20 (PLANNED) |
opr_transport |
Transport time |
The transport time is after post queue time and respects the resource calendar. |
opr_waste_factor |
Waste factor |
When using waste, it’s possible to specify either the ingoing or outgoing quantity and get the “other” calculated from a waste factor. |
opr_workload |
Workload |
The amount of work in the operation, in hours. |
opr_workload_decimal |
Workload (decimal) |
The amount of work in the operation, in hours. Show as a decimal number. |
opr_workload_factor |
Workloadfactor |
When calculating workload, the workload is multiplied by this factor. This can for instance be used as an conversion factor – i.e. converting from minutes to hours. |
opr_workload_progress_pct |
Progress wl % |
Progress of just the workload. When entering in this field a possibly planned setup time will be completed as well (provided nothing is already reported there) |
opr_workload_type_int |
Workload type |
The workload type represented as integer (fixed=0, capacity=1). |
Id |
Name |
Description |
operationtime |
Operationtime |
oprseq_description |
Route desc. |
The route description |
oprseq_name |
Route name |
The route name |
order_alternate_name |
Alternate name |
Alternate name or number |
order_campaign |
Campaign |
The campaign of an order |
order_color |
Color |
A different color can be defined on each order. Among others this is used to color the Gantt chart by order colors. |
order_custom_boolean1 |
Boolean 1 |
Free boolean field (true/false) |
order_custom_boolean2 |
Boolean 2 |
Free boolean field (true/false) |
order_custom_boolean3 |
Boolean 3 |
Free boolean field (true/false) |
order_custom_calendar1 |
Calendar 1 |
Free calendar field |
order_custom_calendar2 |
Calendar 2 |
Free calendar field |
order_custom_calendar3 |
Calendar 3 |
Free calendar field |
order_custom_calendar4 |
Calendar 4 |
Free calendar field |
order_custom_int1 |
Integer 1 |
Free integer field |
order_custom_int2 |
Integer 2 |
Free integer field |
order_custom_text1 |
Text 1 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text2 |
Text 2 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text3 |
Text 3 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text4 |
Text 4 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text5 |
Text 5 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text6 |
Text 6 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text7 |
Text 7 |
Free text field |
order_custom_text8 |
Text 8 |
Free text field |
order_customer_name |
Customer |
The customer name |
order_delivery_calendar |
Delivery |
The promised delivery calendar. It’s possible to schedule backward from delivery (due date). |
order_delivery_calendar_readable |
Delivery (Readable) |
Note: Item is not visible in field chooser! The promised delivery calendar in a readable format. |
order_delivery_color_today |
Color delivery today |
If delivery is today color yellow. If delivery is in the past color red. If start is today color green. |
order_delivery_exceeded |
Delivery exceeded |
This will show a warning if the last operation ends after the delivery date. |
order_delivery_on_time_state |
Order on-time delivery state |
The order’s on-time delivery state. The state depends on the relative distance between the order’s last operation end and its delivery date. The different breakpoints can be configured. Look for ‘onTimeDeliveryState’ in the topic. |
order_delivery_on_time_state_color |
Order on-time delivery state color |
The color of the order’s on-time delivery state |
order_delivery_on_time_state_color_hex |
Order on-time delivery state hex color |
The hex color representation of the order’s on-time delivery state |
order_delivery_on_time_state_level |
Order on-time delivery state level |
The level representation of the order’s on-time delivery state |
order_description |
Description |
Description of the order. |
order_first_operation_resource |
Resource on 1. opr |
The name of the resource on the first operation in the order. |
order_first_operation_start |
Start |
This is the start time of the first opration in the order. |
order_id |
Order id |
The unique ID of the production order. This is generated by the system and cannot be changed by the user. |
order_integration_locked |
Integration locked |
This is used in XAL DB Sync. If true the order is skipped (not updated) when integrating. |
order_last_operation_end |
Last operation end |
This is the end time of the last operation in the order. |
order_latest_progress_calendar |
Latest progress calendar |
The latest progress calendar of the operations in the order |
order_locked |
Order locked |
The operations in the order can not be moved in time. |
order_lot_no |
Lot no. |
An integer field allowing user to specify lot or batch number. If using route networks this will get specified automatically. |
order_material_calendar |
Material |
The expected time where the raw material is in stock. This is relevant if an operation in an order consumes a raw material and thus it can not start before the raw material is available. It’s possible to schedule forward from material calendar. |
order_material_calendar_readable |
Material (Readable) |
Note: Item is not visible in field chooser! The material calendar in a readable format. |
order_name |
Order no. |
The order number. Generated by the system, but can be changed. This can also contain text. |
order_order_type |
Order type |
Shows the order type of the order. Default order type is ‘default’. More types can be added from a plugin. On the New order dialog the order types can be selected if more than the ‘default’ exist. |
order_ordered_name |
Ordered by, name |
A reference to the person who ordered this order. |
order_ordered_phone |
Ordered by, phone no. |
A reference to the person who ordered this order. |
order_precondition |
Precondition |
This must be checked before the state can be changed from released to start possible. |
order_priority |
Priority |
The priority is used when scheduling orders. The orders can be sorted by priority and thus the ones with the highest priority are scheduled first. |
order_product_id |
Item name |
The product this order produces. |
order_quantity |
Quantity |
The quantity of the order |
order_quantity_in |
Quantity In |
When using waste the ingoing and outgoing quantity will be different. |
order_quantity_out |
Quantity Out |
When using waste the ingoing and outgoing quantity will be different. |
order_series_id |
Series id |
The id of the operation serie of an order. |
order_series_name |
Series name |
The name of the operation serie of an order. |
order_state |
Status |
Shows the state of the order, i.e. planned, released or started etc. |
order_state_level |
Status level |
Shows the state of the order, i.e. planned, released or started etc, represented as an Integer. |
order_waste_factor |
Acc. waste factor |
A possible waste factor. When using waste the ingoing and outgoing quantity will be different. |
order_will_be_exported |
Will be exported |
If this object is an order: If dirty (is changed) is true or one of the operations in the order is dirty, the order will get exported next time. |
productionorderproperty |
Property (Order) |
suborder_links_in |
Sub-order links in |
A comma separated list of all orders having sub-order links pointing to the order |
suborder_links_out |
Sub-order links out |
A comma separated list of all orders this order has sub-order links to |
Id |
Name |
Description |
ProjectNumberGivenLevelLayoutItem |
Project no. (level) |
null |
project_account_name |
Account name |
Used for economy. Available accounts can be selected from a list in this column. |
project_account_no |
Account no. |
Shows the account number of the selected account. |
project_chosen_order_count |
Production order count |
The quantity of orders in the project. |
project_chosen_orders |
Chosen production order |
Shows a list of the orders in the project. |
project_color |
Color |
project_custom_date_time_1 |
Calendar 1 |
Free calendar field. |
project_custom_date_time_2 |
Calendar 2 |
Free calendar field. |
project_custom_date_time_3 |
Calendar 3 |
Free calendar field. |
project_custom_date_time_4 |
Calendar 4 |
Free calendar field. |
project_custom_double_1 |
Float 1 |
Free float field. |
project_custom_double_2 |
Float 2 |
Free float field. |
project_custom_double_3 |
Float 3 |
Free float field. |
project_custom_double_4 |
Float 4 |
Free float field. |
project_custom_int_1 |
Integer 1 |
Free integer field. |
project_custom_int_2 |
Integer 2 |
Free integer field. |
project_custom_int_3 |
Integer 3 |
Free integer field. |
project_custom_int_4 |
Integer 4 |
Free integer field. |
project_customer |
Customer |
project_customtext1 |
Text 1 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext2 |
Text 2 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext3 |
Text 3 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext4 |
Text 4 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext5 |
Text 5 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext6 |
Text 6 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext7 |
Text 7 |
Free text field. |
project_customtext8 |
Text 8 |
Free text field. |
project_delivery_on_time_state |
Project on-time delivery state |
The Project’s on-time delivery state. The state depends on the relative distance between the last operation end over all the orders and the project’s delivery date. The different breakpoints can be configured. Look for ‘onTimeDeliveryState’ in the topic. |
project_delivery_on_time_state_color |
Project on-time delivery state color |
The color of the Project’s on-time delivery state. |
project_delivery_on_time_state_color_hex |
Project on-time delivery state hex color |
The hex color representation of the Project’s on-time delivery state. |
project_delivery_on_time_state_level |
Project on-time delivery state level |
The level representation of the Project’s on-time delivery state. |
project_earliest_start_time |
Actual start |
The start time of the first (earliest) operation in the project. |
project_email |
E-mail |
project_end_time |
Due date |
The planned delivery date of a project. |
project_latest_end_time |
Actual end |
The end time of the last (latest) operation in the project. |
project_level |
Level |
Shows the level of a project in the project hierarchy. |
project_lot_size |
Lot size |
Used in route networks. If the quantity of the project is 10 and lot size is 5, 2 orders will be generated with quantity of 5 each. |
project_manager |
Project mgr. |
project_name |
Project name |
project_no |
Project no. |
The project number. Generated by the system, but can be changed. Can also contain text. |
project_no_in_hierarchy |
Project no. (hierarchy) |
Same content as ‘Project no.’ column, but sorts according to hierarchy of sub and parent projects. Level 1 projects are sorted alphabetically. |
project_parent_id |
Parent project no. |
project_phone |
Phone no. |
project_priority |
Priority |
Integer field. Set the priority of a project. Can be used when scheduling several projects – if projects are sorted by priority. |
project_quantity |
Quantity |
Project quantity. Used with route networks. |
project_responsible1 |
Responsible 1 |
project_responsible2 |
Responsible 2 |
project_routeNetwork |
Route network |
The route network attached to the project. This is automatically set if orders in a project are generated from button “Create a project from a route network”. |
project_start_time |
Start |
The expected or planned start time of a project. |
project_sub_projects |
Sub projects |
Shows a list of sub projects below this project. |
project_top_level_parent_id |
Root project No. |
The ID No. for the project at the root of the hierachy. |
projectproperty |
Property (Project) |
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