Related topics are listed below.
Variable list of columns
Product configuration » Variable list of columns
Below is a list of possible variables to access column/field values from operation, production order, project etc. These are the same variables used, when you add columns through the field chooser in ROB-EX and presented in a table. As an example the order list. *If…
The complete list of properties
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports » HTML report configuration » The complete list of properties
This is the list of properties which can be used on e.g. the element when configuring HTML reports and Shop Floor pages. *Are you missing a field? In that case use the LayoutItem property for a given entity followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a…
Project List
Projects » Project List
Project list Using ROB-EX Gantt Project module production orders can be grouped in projects and shown in a special view. A project corresponds to a sales order, that is a level above production orders, where production orders belonging to the same sales order are…
Operation list
Master data » Master routes » Operation list
The bottom right list displays operations assigned to the currently selected route. Use each row to change properties of the operation. Additional columns can be added by right clicking on any of the column headers selecting Field chooser. The following is an…
Order list
Web Planner » Order list
Find the button to open the order list in the top menu. Click on the button and the order list will slide in on the right-hand side of the screen, to slide the order list out again use the arrow to the left of the header orders. The picture below shows the order list…
Order list window
Production orders » Order list window
The Order List window provides an overview of all production orders contained in the ROB-EX client. You get to this window by either selecting menu Edit->Order list or by clicking the order list icon in the tool bar. You may also jump to this window from other…
Order list reports
Production orders » Order list window » Order list reports
It is possible to print reports from the Order list. Use the filter function or the sorting function to initially shortlist the orders to include Mark the orders to be shown in the report: Press and hold the CTRL-button on the keyboard and click order rows to…
Left side resource list
Web Planner » Web-planner overview » Left side resource list
In the ROB-EX Web Planner, you can find the resources to the left. Hover over one of the resources and the menu bar will show up. In this section, we will explain the menu bar for the resource, views, and field chooser for the resource. Single resource view…
Copy and paste from the Order list
Production orders » Order list window » Copy and paste from the Order list
The Order list and Orders and Operations list support copy/paste from ROB-EX into a spreadsheet. Select the orders or the route to be copied. E.g. use the filter- or sort functions. Press Ctrl+c in order to copy the data. Insert the data in the spreadsheet…
Unit of measure overview
Product configuration » Misc and background » Unit of measure overview
When importing unit of measure, as an example using the Excel master route/bom import, then the following names are supported. Any of the strings in column “ISO unit” and “Alternative 1-4” may be used. Important: case matters. Unit class…
Usage of resource groups
Master data » Resources » Usage of resource groups
Resource groups acts in many ways like normal resources. However, they of cause have an important ability to act as a parent for member resources. Resource groups can be modeled for many different usages and play an important role when it comes to solving real-world…
Searching, sorting and filtering using the Order list
Production orders » Order list window » Searching, sorting and filtering using the Order list
The Order list contains many features for searching, sorting and filtering out production orders. Configuring displayed columns Make sure you have added all the important columns you need to the order list. The table is 100% configurable when it comes to adding and…
Jumping to other windows from the Order list
Production orders » Order list window » Jumping to other windows from the Order list
Find Will close the order list and jump to the Gantt chart and select the operations of the selected productions orders. Use this function to find one or more production orders of interest in the Gantt chart. *Once orders are selected in the Gantt chart, use any of…
Setup and configuration of Sequencer
Options » Sequencer » Setup and configuration of Sequencer
Introduction Defining value profiles Syntax for defining a ValueProfile Syntax for defining a ValueProvider Lookup table value provider ExcelDataProvider DatabaseDataProvider MultiuserDataProvider Expand step value…
Advanced customization of scheduling rules
Scheduling » Advanced customization of scheduling rules
From ROB-EX 4.2 build 267 and newer it is possible to override the normal scheduling rules by using the API Scripting option. Doing this requires knowledge about both scripting and the ROB-EX API, so it should be done by experienced ROB-EX consultants. To see an…
The structure of the roles.xml file
Product configuration » Enable/Disable GUI elements » The structure of the roles.xml file
The roles.xml file has a hierarchical structure. The top tag is RoleList, then follows the PermissionRole which describes the user’s role, then the FeatureContainer which contains several features. A feature has two attributes Visible and enabled where both have two…
Installation of Microsoft SQL Server Express
Options » Multiuser » Server installation » Installation of Microsoft SQL Server Express
This is a step by step example of installing the SQL 2005 Express Edition. Intalling a more recent versions is of cause recommended, so see this is a guide to the installation steps required. Note that the SQL Express edition has limiations. They may change over time,…
Licensing of versions prior to 6.4
Getting Started » Starting up the client » Licensing version 6.4 and newer » Licensing of versions prior to 6.4
The following applies to ROB-EX version 6.2 and older versions. For version 6.4 and newer read instead Licensing version 6.4 and newer. The first time you start ROB-EX Scheduler you will be asked to register. Press the register button. You are presented with a unique…
Updating internal libraries/dependencies of Talend
Import and export » Interfacing using Talend Open Studio for Data Integration » Updating internal libraries/dependencies of Talend
Background To fix security or compatibility issues with older libraries, follow these steps in order to update them to a newer fixed version. Important: this will update the library versions of the jobs being build by Talend Open Studio (TOS), but not the underlying…
Backup of ROB-EX Multiuser Server database
Options » Multiuser » Server installation » Backup of ROB-EX Multiuser Server database
If you have SQL Server Management Studio installed we recommend that you use it for creating database backups (right click on database and select Tasks->Backup). The explanation below can be used in case you use MS SQL without any management options available, or you…
Selection context
Macro » Selection context
Previously, macros such as the Schedule macro relied solely on the selected items in the gantt chart. However, as of ROB-EX Scheduler 7.2.4, certain macros have introduced a selection context feature. This enhancement allows macros to dynamically switch between…
Macro in web-planner
Web Planner » Macro in web-planner
Macros visible in ROB-EX Web Planner must be created and edited from ROB-EX Scheduler Integration Client. Also read more about creating macros in the section Macro When macros are created in ROB-EX Scheduler Integration Client, they will be shown in the dropdown in the…
General overview List of available macro command lines General overview The Macro list window (“Functions->Macro->Edit”) enables you to create macros to automate frequently performed tasks. A macro has a name and an associated icon that can be made…
CSV 2+3
Import and export » CSV integration » CSV 2+3
This chapter will explain how to interface between an external system (e.g. ERP) and ROB-EX using the CSV 2+3 integration module. It is possible to transfer data both ways. Data possible to transfer with CSV 2+3 interface Resources Resource…
Automation interface
Macro » Automation interface
The automation interface in ROB-EX allows external programs to execute predefined macros. As an example you can use the automation interface to trigger the database integration that exchange information with an external ERP system. The ROB-EX Automation interface is…
Standard Excel Import
Import and export » CSV integration » Standard Excel Import
This package comes with a ready-to-use Excel file for easy import of order data into ROB-EX. The package has the following features: A ready to use Excel sheet with build in flexibility regarding columns, naming and formatting. Copy and paste of orders directly…
Macro » SelectComponents
This will select operations based on the specified parameter settings. The parameters can be combined i.e. both resource and status can be used etc. As an example select all operations on a given resource having order state Started. You would typically use the…
Tray Service Manager
Advanced functions » Integration client » Tray Service Manager
Once installed with the “Auto start tray program” option of the service installer the ROB-EX Scheduler Tray program is displayed as an icon in the system tray area of the Windows task bar. The tray program provides an interface, which enables the user to…
Product configuration
Product configuration
Welcome to the documentation for users/consultants performing additional configuration or development on ROB-EX clients. The documentation includes chapters on Installation FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Changing global parameters affecting GUI and business logic…
Import and export » XML
This chapter will explain how to interface between an external system (e.g. ERP) and ROB-EX using the XML integration module. It is possible to transfer data both ways. Data possible to transfer with XML interface Resources Resource calendar Products and raw…
Importing master routes/BOM from Excel
Master data » Master routes » Importing master routes/BOM from Excel
ROB-EX has an option for importing and exporting master routes and master BOM’s from Excel. This is provided as scripts/macros you install to your \custom folder, and execute from macros. From ROB-EX v6.4, the scripts are included as part of the client installation…
Web-planner overview
Web Planner » Web-planner overview
This section provides an overview of ROB-EX Web Planner. The main view of the Gantt chart is shown below. Home menu The home menu provides quick access to different area of Web Planner and related components. Note for some links you might be asked to provide your…
CSV 1 integration
Import and export » CSV integration » CSV 1 integration
This chapter describes the setup and use of the module CSV 1 integration for ROB-EX Scheduler. Using this module text files with data delimited by comma, semi colon etc. containing order and routing information can be imported into ROB-EX. The following are examples…
Advanced functions » Templates
With this dialog you can perform maintenance of your templates. There are 3 kinds of templates Macros (automation of often performed tasks) Table properties (e.g. what table columns to show) and View layouts (what text to show about Gantt bars). Templates in use…
Going from Proficy Scheduler to ROB-EX
Getting Started » Installing the client » Going from Proficy Scheduler to ROB-EX
This page is a guide on how to upgrade from an existing Proficy Scheduler installation to ROB-EX. The installation assumes you are upgrading to ROB-EX 6.4 or later. Typically the existing installation will be Proficy Scheduler v5.2. It is worth noting, that Proficy…
Options » Batch
The ROB-EX Batch module contains powerful features with high relevance for, as an example, the Food and Beverage industry, Chemical processing and Health and Pharmaceutical. In a few words this module contains features that can: create multilevel batch orders based…
Macro » DemandSatisfier
The demand satisfier macro can create orders based on customer demands (material shipments) and/or demands from intermediate orders. For an example plan demonstrating how to use the DemandSatisfier, see the section with a general introduction of the Batch module. …
Master materials
Master data » Materials and BOM » Master materials
The Edit->Materials windows lists in table format all master materials known to the system. The standard search functionality provides the flexibility to search and filter in many different ways. Each row in the table represents a material and each column a property…
Automated scheduling
Scheduling » Scheduling strategy » Automated scheduling
Automatic scheduling of production orders and operations can be initiated from the following sources As a default rule executed when a user manually create and plans a new production order Running macros like SortAndSchedule, Schedule and CreateProductionOrder. As…
Macro » CallSQL
This macro will execute a single SQL call to a database – the result of the SQL call can be saved into a CSV file for further processing by other macros for example CSV Order Import or ProgressImport Example parameter configuration The configuration shown…
Integration client
Advanced functions » Integration client
The ROB-EX Desktop Planner can as needed be installed to run as a Windows service. This is typically useful when a ROB-EX Desktop Planner needs to run unattended batch jobs like interfacing to external ERP systems, running the Shop Floor server, automatic generation…
Interfacing using Talend Open Studio for Data Integration
Import and export » Interfacing using Talend Open Studio for Data Integration
An easy and recommended approach, when building interfaces between ROB-EX and external systems like ERP, is to use an ETL tool (Exctract, Transform, Load). Using a tool reduces the learning curve required, enabling non-developers to create even complex…
Resource report examples
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports » Resource report examples
This page contains a list of different example resource based HTML reports, to provide an overview of the possibilities. Gantt Job List Job list with a right side Gantt chart. The Gantt bars are filled with a solid color Gantt Job List (hours/total hours) Job…
Command line options
Getting Started » Starting up the client » Command line options
Different options can be passed to the ROB-EX Gantt.exe file to further control the different features of the product. By specifying -help or /? on the command line the different possible options will be displayed. The options are passed to the .exe file by right…
Macro » SplitOrderToBatches
This macro makes it possible to split orders into batches. The macro will split orders according to configuration parameters found on the objects in ROB-EX. The macro will split all orders belonging to the selected operations. OBS: ALL SPLITS ARE FINAL. Parameter…
Create/update production orders
Import and export » REST Server » REST Client » Create/update production orders
POST scheduler/v1/plan/order/helper The order helper path is used to update existing orders or to create orders from scratch, supplying everything needed to build the order. Request body format application/json Sample outline json body { "order": { …
.NET Client
Import and export » REST Server » .NET Client
Page Content Introduction Requirements .NET API documentation Simple use cases Advanced use cases Introduction To give the users the ability to easily create a .NET Client that integrates with ROB-EX, we have implemented the .NET Assembly deployed in…
Macro » SortAndSchedule
This macro command supports easy rescheduling of orders based on one or more configurable sorting fields. Starting from ROB-EX Scheduler 7.2.4, this macro will utilize the Selection context feature. In more detail the SortAndSchedule macro command will carry out the…
Web Planner » Projects
From ROB-EX Web Planner v7.4.2 project data is viewable in a Project Gantt chart providing the overview of how one or more projects are scheduled. To open the Project Gantt chart either select an operation in the Resource Gantt chart or the Project list – then…
Creating production orders
Getting Started » Solving my first scheduling problem » Creating production orders
Once master data has been created as described in the previous sections, production orders can be created and scheduled. In order to create a production order follow the steps below. Open the window “Order list” by selecting the item “Edit->Order…
Group assignments
Production orders » Order list window » Group assignments
The order list window has an option for executing similar functions on groups of operations. I.e. assign operations across different production orders the same resource, the same start time, and more. You can use this function on a filtered list of production orders.…
Adding and deleting
Master data » Resources » Resource tree » Adding and deleting
If you want to… You must add a resource right click on the headline Resources in the Resource tree and select Add resource. Fill out the fields “Color” and “Name” and other right side resource settings. Please…
Creating a general calendar
Master data » Shift calendars » Creating a general calendar
A general calendar is created in the following way: Select menu Edit->Calendar to open the window “Edit resource calendar”. Select the tab “General calendar” Click the New button to the right of the list “General calendar”.…
Search panel
The user interface » Search panel
The search panel offers advanced search functionality where multiple fields can be combined and various search criteria can be set up. The search panel is by default shown in simple mode – thus only one search field is visible. It’s possible to unfold it by…
Resource view editing
Web Planner » Master data editing » Resource view editing
Define named views and what resources to show for those views. Maintaining a list of well organized views will help planner and viewer users keeping the overview even when your plan has many resources. As an example for a production with two departments cutting and…
Behavioral FlexRules
Product configuration » FlexRules » Behavioral FlexRules
FlexRules in this category changes the behavior of ROB-EX Scheduler business rules. Operation resource filter A FlexRule which is called whenever business rules needs to establish the net-list of possible resources, that an operation may be assigned to. This is…
Time Tracker search option
Options » Time Tracker » Time Tracker search option
Introducing a new search field As of version 7.2, we’re now introducing a new search field in the top right corner of the TimeTracker page. This new field can find resources, operations, and production orders, by typing or barcode scan, the entity name or id in the…
Macro » GenerateReport
This macro can silently (option) generate both HTML reports (i.e. menu File->Print HTML) as well as prints of the current resource or project gantt view (i.e. menu File->Print). Example parameters for printing HTML report Example parameters for printing…
Customize CSS classes
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports » HTML report configuration » Customize CSS classes
Customize CSS classes Some basic knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is required in order to customize the appearance of HTML reports. The css classes are located in a file called “ganttChart.css” or “opi.css” in \config\htmlreport. The…
Key Performance Indicators
Scheduling » Key Performance Indicators
The “Key Performance Indicator” (KPI) gives some statistics or key figures on the selected orders, projects or operations. It can be used to compare different planning scenarios in order to achieve the most optimal plan. Among others it shows the quantity…
Production targeted HTML reports
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports
ROB-EX Scheduler HTML reports support the generation of a number of different reports. The reports are 100% HTML-based, so you can save the reports on a file server or intranet, where readers can easily access them using a web browser. This chapter…
Economy control with budget- and turnover overview
Projects » Economy control with budget- and turnover overview
Economy control with budget- and turnover overview ROB-EX economy overview shows budgeted and planned turnover for a selected period. The overview is used to control if the turnover for the planned activities corresponds to the budgeted turnover. The budgeted…
Edit production order
Production orders » Edit production order
This page describes the Edit order window explaining how to create and edit production order related information. To manually create a new production order do one of the following: Select New from the order list tool bar Right-click directly in the Gantt chart (in…
Tool bar
The user interface » Gantt chart » Tool bar
Click on… if you want to… New Create a new plan. The present plan is cleared for orders but the selected resources are preserved. It is advisable to save the former plan with the functions Save or Save as…
Master operations
Master data » Master operations
The master operation is the most important building block for creating routes. Every operation in a route has a master (template) operation of the same name. The master operation defines default operation settings like name, color, setup time etc. In addition the…
Adding a new panel
Web Planner » Field chooser to customize windows and tables » Adding a new panel
In some of the field chooser, it’s possible to add a new panel. Below it shows how to add a new panel in the Edit order. Add new panel Click the button Add new panel and a new panel will be added to the list of panels. New panel The panel will show up in…
Master routes
Master data » Master routes
This chapter explains how to edit existing routes or create new routes. Please refer to the chapter Getting started – Creating master routes” for a full example on how-to create new master routes. Changes to master routes made from…
Changing the UI language
Product configuration » Changing the UI language
Runtime language configuration Introduction This is a description of how to customize the text shown in ROB-EX in the various dialogs and menus. All the text in ROB-EX is stored in so called language files. The default language is English and the English texts are…
Project report examples
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports » Project report examples
Gantt Project Job List (ordered by operation start) Each table of the report is a single project, with all operations shown in operation start sequence. Gantt Project Job List (ordered by project setup) Each table of the report is a single project, with all…
Operation toolbar
Web Planner » Gantt chart » Operation toolbar
Scheduled operations with a status higher than New will be visible in the Gantt chart on the resource they are assigned to and on their scheduled start and end dates. Manually move any operation by simple drag and drop. Selecting an operation will draw black constraint…
Shop Floor
Options » Shop Floor
ROB-EX Scheduler Shop Floor allows the user to view the current production schedule on a per equipment basis. A Shop Floor user can report partial and final completions for any operation. The only requirement is a standard internet browser with a network connection to…
Create new order
Web Planner » Order list » Create new order
To create a new order, open the order list and click the plus icon on the left side of the order list view. This section will go through the create order view. For additional information about order fields read Edit production order. Order…
Edit menu
The user interface » Gantt chart » Menu » Edit menu
Click on… if you want to… Undo Undo the latest movements in the Gantt plan. You can undo infinite times, however, only to the last time the order list has been opened or the last time a new file has been imported. The…
Creating a week calendar
Master data » Shift calendars » Creating a week calendar
The week calendar is used to state periods of time that occur daily or weekly. E.g. the working hours of the individual shifts. The week calendar can just as the holiday calendar be shared between many different general calendars. In the window “Edit resource…
Field chooser to customize windows and tables
Web Planner » Field chooser to customize windows and tables
The field chooser is used to customize the different tables and windows in the ROB-EX Web Planner/ROB-EX Web Viewer. You find the field chooser by clicking the gear icon Any change will only affect the currently logged in user. Any change will be saved to the…
The Attached Documents tab
Master data » Master routes » Operation list » Editing operation details » The Attached Documents tab
External documents, such as Word documents, spreadsheets, drawing, links to homepages etc. can be attached to operations in ROB-EX. Select “External documents” in the shortcut menu (Right click on an operation). A list of documents attached to the operation…
Attached documents
Master data » Resources » Resource tree » Attached documents
External documents, such as Word documents, spreadsheets, drawings, links to homepages etc. can be attached to resources in ROB-EX. Select External documents in the shortcut menu (Right-click on an operation). A list of documents attached to the operation is shown.…
Creating master operations
Getting Started » Solving my first scheduling problem » Creating master operations
Once shift calendars and resources has been defined, it is time to create the master operations which are needed in order to create routes. An operation in the ROB-EX Scheduler term, describes a process to perform (i.e. cut, grind, etc.) and the list of resources…
Macro » XMLExport
This will perform an XML MRP 2+3 export. The format of the XML follows that defined by the XML Export integration module. Example parameter configuration Parameter descriptions (* = configuration required) checkOperationsDirtyFlag true = Check if…
Master operation editing
Web Planner » Master data editing » Master operation editing
Master operations created or edited here are used for building master routes. An operation in the ROB-EX Scheduler term, describes a process to perform (i.e. cut, grind, etc.) and the list of resources capable of performing the operation. The master operation is thus…
Attached documents
Master data » Attached documents
External documents, such as Word documents, spreadsheets, drawings, links to homepages etc. can be attached to e.g. operations or orders in ROB-EX. The “Documents” dialog (go to “Edit -> Documents”) shows a list of all the documents which are…
File menu
The user interface » Gantt chart » Menu » File menu
Click on… if you want to… New The current plan is cleared completely. It is possible to keep master data. Save the former plan with the functions Save or Save as before “New” is selected in order not to lose…
BOM lines
Master data » Materials and BOM » BOM lines
In the previous chapter we described material transactions like counting’s, purchases and shipments which where not related to orders and operations. In this chapter it is described how BOM lines assigned to an operation works. BOM lines are assigned to…
Creating resources
Getting Started » Solving my first scheduling problem » Creating resources
Start out creating all the resources you are going to plan for. In the menu select “Edit/Resource”. The following dialog Edit resource will be shown. Right click on the headline Resources in the top right corner of the resource list and select…
Tab: Graphs & windows
Advanced functions » General settings » Tab: Graphs & windows
The max height in pixels of the bottom area of the gantt chart showing graphs for workload, man-power and material. Note that this is the max height, since ROB-EX will only use up the space necessary to show currently viewed graphs. …
Creating a holiday calendar
Master data » Shift calendars » Creating a holiday calendar
In a holiday calendar vacation periods will be created. A holiday calendar is created in the following way: In the window “Edit resource calendar” select tab “General calendar”. In the middle of the window select tab “Holiday…
Direct URL to open Web Planner
Web Planner » Direct URL to open Web Planner
There is limited support for opening Web Planner for a specified resource view, color mode, a specified start time and a specified horizon. In addition some support is included for opening exclusively the Gantt chart or exclusively the Order list. Valid sub-path…
Macro » CheckShelfLife
Check if shelf life is exceeded. This macro will show a list of operations consuming a material which is too old. Pegging must be done first in order to check for shelf life (shelflife). Suborder links are also supported. Example parameter configuration …
Macro » AdjustResource
The selected operation will be moved to the specified date and the rest of the operations within the specified period will be replanned. Specify the date by using the dialog shown below. Example parameter configuration The three horizons can be specified in…
Tab: Multiuser
Advanced functions » General settings » Tab: Multiuser
This tab controls the Multiuser login information enabling a ROB-EX client to connect to a ROB-EX Multiuser Server. The tab also controls setup, execution and information about archiving. The Archive area in this tab is only enabled for users logged in to the…
Gantt chart
The user interface » Gantt chart
The Gantt chart in ROB-EX Scheduler combines the graphical Gantt chart overview with tools making it easy to change and simulate operations and production orders. This is an overview of topics covered in this first section: The Gantt chart Frequently used…
Advanced route editing
Master data » Master routes » Advanced route editing
All the selected routes can be edited at the same time by using the dialog “Advanced editing”. It is possible to: Insert an operation in the selected routes. Adjust an operation in the selected routes. Remove an operation from the selected…
Adding and removing table columns
The user interface » Adding and removing table columns
Most tables in ROB-EX will allow a user to individually add or remove columns according to the user’s own preferences. In this section, we will show how to add table columns, remove table columns and specify the field name. Add table columns 1. In order to add…
HTML report configuration
Reporting and KPI » Production targeted HTML reports » HTML report configuration
Page Content Introduction Location of the XML configuration files A simple HTML report definition The structure of an HTML report definition The “baseGroup” attribute Add/Change columns Add a Gantt chart The complete list of…
Series and groups
Production orders » Series and groups
The Series function supports the grouping of operations from different orders, having the same properties, for execution in continuation of each other. A series is composed of one or more operation groups, typically one for each resource entered into the series. An…
Overriding field name
Web Planner » Field chooser to customize windows and tables » Overriding field name
The name of a field/column can be changed by using the Name override text field. The name is now changed in the order list table
Macro » UpdatePlan
This macro will move orders forward that did not start up on time and repair invalid areas of the schedule. The current sequence of the jobs on the resources will if possible be kept, but it cannot be guaranteed. Operations with status complete or being locked will…
Create new project
Web Planner » Projects » Create new project
To create a new project, open the project list and click the plus icon on the left side of the project list view. This section will go through the create project view. Project number It’s possible to customize the project number or you can leave the…
Creating master routes
Getting Started » Solving my first scheduling problem » Creating master routes
The route defines the number and the sequence of operations needed, in order to produce a semifinished good or product. Master routes are added to a library which is reused when creating new production orders. Once a production order is created the master route is…
Keyboard shortcuts
Web Planner » Keyboard shortcuts
The following shortcuts are available from different parts of the Web client, to provide quick access to open windows or perform often used actions like order and bottleneck scheduling Scheduling Shortcut Plan (forward from now) p + n…