Material inventory
Shows a list of materials including the current inventory (opening stock). The inventory is calculated on the date and time specified in the Start date field. Warehouse and possible categories are not considered, i.e. it will be an inventory sum across all warehouses and categories.
Material inventory min/max (all).
Shows a list of materials including columns showing when respectively the material reaches the minimum and maximum inventory. The analysis is carried out in the time period between Start date and End date. Warehouse and possible categories are not considered, i.e. it will be an inventory sum across all warehouses and categories.
Material consumption
Shows the total sum amount consumed in the specified time period between Start date and End date. Not grouped, i.e. each row is a single material. I.e. only materials for consuming BOM lines in the period are included.
Material transactions
Shows all transactions (counting, purchase, shipment) grouped by material. Only transactions in the specified time period between Start date and End date are included.
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