Use the list of resources to gain an overview of all resources of the site – and how they are organized in the resource hierarchy.
Create resources by clicking the + icon next to the top part Resources header. Provide a unique name of the resource and specify what type of resource it should be created as
- Resource group
- Resource groups acts in many ways like normal resources. However, they have an important ability to act as a parent for member resources. For additional information see section Resource groups
- Normal resource
- Used to represent actual machines, employees, tools, etc.
- Resource category
- Used when organizing resources and resource groups into logical folders. Do not use this type for actual capacity scheduling.
Resource details and parameters
Click the link on the resource name to open a right side view with additonal details and configurable resource parameters.
The right side view contains 3 tabs General, Scheduling, and Detail. The gear icon in the line Edit resource is the field chooser. See more about Field chooser. In the following, the edit view will be explained.
The arrow for folding and unfolding the general tab.
For the color of the resource, click the color picker square, to change the color of the resource.
Resource Name
The name of the resource, type in the text field to make a change.
Resource Efficiency
The efficiency of the resource. See more about Efficiency
Resource Capacity
The capacity of the resource. See more about Capacity
Resource Availability Factor
The availability factor of the resource. See more about Availability Factor
Set the priority for the resource. See more about priority, at Scheduling Settings on Resource
Unlimited capacity
Set if the resource has unlimited capacity. See more about unlimited capacity, at Scheduling Settings on Resource
Scheduling horizon
Set how many calendar days the scheduling strategies should search on the resource to find hours for the operation. See more about scheduling horizon, at Scheduling Settings on Resource
Fill horizon first
When placing operations according to priority, then fill up the specified scheduling horizon first before filling up the next priority resource. Use this setting to enforce filling a machine with the job for a certain horizon before engaging the next.
Strict calendar factor
Check this to enable strict calendar factor handling. See more about Strict calendar factors, at Scheduling Settings on Resource
Text field to describe information about the resource.
Text field to describe specifications about the resource.
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