In case sequencer value provider data is updated, then all multiuser connected ROB-EX Scheduler clients must refresh, to ensure they all have the same sequencer master data loaded.
In previous versions this required a coordinated restart of all connected clients. From ROB-EX Scheduler and forward, a centrally coordinated refresh of all connected clients may be initiated from a single connected client. The reload is triggered from a script on a single client A and will trigger a reload of table data providers on all connected multiuser clients B, C, D, etc.
In order to refresh the values then open and run the script <sch_client_dir>\data\scripts\sequencer\valueResfresh\SequencerValuesRefresh.groovy
. See more in the script section on the manual, about how to run scripts.
The script is configurable about what data is refreshed. As an example only load Excel data providers etc.
Watch this on how to perform a value provider refresh.
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