This will start a specified program and pass on the values from the specified variables.

Starting from ROB-EX Scheduler 7.2.4, this macro will utilize the Selection context feature.

List of available variables: Variable list.

Example parameter configuration

Example output

D:\Programmer\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE oprName=Milling item=@{Dining table}@ quantity=1 oprStart="24-11-08 17:40" seqname=R40

This macro element will only execute if an operation is selected.

Parameter descriptions

(* = configuration required)

true = Show possible error message.
false = Don’t show any error messages.

true = The specified file is not a program, but fx a pdf file, word document or an html file.
false = Don’t show any error messages.

The proper program is started which should be used for viewing the document. This is also supported on other platforms than Windows, but please notice that in that case the specified parameters are ignored.

Here parameters for the specified program can be entered.
Text embraced by curly brackets are interpreted as a variable.

For instance {opr_start_time} will be replaced by a time string. Numbers and calendars can be formatted by specifying a pattern after a dot,

i.e. {opr_start_time.dd-MM-yy HH:hh}

Curly brackets can be escaped by specifying two curly bracket characters. For instance ‘{{’ will result in a ‘{‘.

program *
Specify the path to the program (or document) which is to be started.

true = Block ROB-EX untill the specified program has ended. For instance the next macro element in the macro will not be executed untill the program ends.
false = Don’t block ROB-EX while the specified program is running.

Please notice that this one is ignored if isDocument = true.


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