
Function Description
CTRL+C Copy one or more production order
  1. First select the production order to be copied, by selecting one of the operations in the production order.
  2. Press CTRL+c
  3. Insert a copy of the production order in the Gantt plan using the CTRL+v.
  4. Select if you want to
  • copy the production order
    A copy of the production order is inserted into the Gantt plan.
  • create/update data
    The order data are updated to the state at the time where it was copied.

CTRL+E Depending on the next letter pressed different functions as listed below will be executed. As an example pressing Ctrl+E+R will open up the edit route dialog.
  1. First choose one or more operations, on which you want to carry out bottleneck sorting.
  2. Press CTRL+E
  3. Choose the direction for the bottleneck sorting
  4. Press one of the following letters:
F: Forward bottleneck sorting. The operations following the operations on the bottleneck are planned according to the operations on the bottleneck.
B: Backward bottleneck sorting. The operations before the operations on the bottleneck are planned according to the operations on the bottleneck.
T: Forward- and backward bottleneck sorting. The operations before and after the operations on the bottleneck are planned according to the operations on the bottleneck.
P: Re-plan selected orders
O: Edit the operation
R: Edit the route of the currently selected operation in the edit route window
M: Edit the materials of the operation (BOM lines)
D: Show the selected orders in the order list window
L: Lock/unlock selected operations
Left/Right arrow keys: Left or right adjust selected operations (from v.
CTRL+N Remove the current working plan and start out with a new empty plan
CTRL+O Open planning file
CTRL+P Print reports
CTRL+R Single resource view
  1. Select an operation to be shown.
  2. Press CTRL+r to switch single resource view. The resource that is connected to the selected operation is shown.
  3. Press CTRL+r to switch back to the standard view.
CTRL+S Save the current working plan to file
CTRL+V Insert a copy of the production order
  1. Copy the production order using the function CTRL+c.
  2. Insert a copy of the production order in the Gantt plan using the CTRL+v function.
  3. The production order is inserted on top of the existing production order.
  4. Edit the new production order.
CTRL+Z Undo last action (eg. move an operation to another resource). Note that not all actions are undoable, eg. creating or deleting orders/operations
Function Description
F2 Edit the content of the selected table cell
Ctrl+F Find in table. Moves the focus to the search panel – the last edited search item is selected.
Ctrl+T Moves the focus to the table – use this to move focus from the search bar back to the table
Ctrl+S Opens the “Save filter configuration” dialog. OBS: Only works if the table has a search panel
Ctrl+O Opens the “Load filter configuration” dialog. OBS: Only works if the table has a search panel
Ctrl+R Clear the values of all search panel fields. OBS: Only works if the table has a search panel
CTRL+HOME Go to the first row of the table
CTRL+END Go to the bottom row of the table
Page Up Previous page of rows
Page Down Next page of rows
CTRL+C Copy cells in the table. Cells in the order list route list may be copied by using CTRL+C to be reinserted in a spreadsheet or similar by CTRL+V
CTRL+mouse click on column header(s) Select multiple columns when sorting the table. The sorting will be done according to the ordering of the columns. End the multi selection by releasing the CTRL key and press a single column header.
Function Description
CTRL+HOME Go to the first entry in the list
CTRL+END Go to the last entry in the list
Page Up Previous page of entries
Page Down Next page of entries
Function Description
Select operation + Alt + drag/drop Move an operation from one resource to another resource using drag and drop. Enable mouse move by pressing the Alt keyboard button while dragging the operation with the mouse. Green corners indicates drop on a valid resource. If operation is dropped on an invalid resource, it returns to the original resource again.
Ctrl + scroll wheel Zoom in / out. For each click with the mouse wheel the gantt chart is zoomed in/out with a factor of two (2). Zoom in out can also be achieved by pressing the + or – buttons in the bottom right part of the main window.
Alt + drag Zoom in on the selected area. The Alt-key enables the zoom functionality. For more info read about zoom in the Tool bar section.
Alt + right-click Zoom out two times with respect to where the Gantt chart was right clicked. The Alt-key enables the zoom functionality. For more info read about zoom in the Tool bar section.
Shift + scroll wheel Move horizon left / right
Arrow right Choose the operation to the right of the currently selected operation
Arrow left Choose the operation to the left of the currently selected operation
Arrow down Choose the nearest operation on resource below the currently selected operation
Arrow up Choose the nearest operation on resource above the currently selected operation
SHIFT+Arrow right Select or deselect operation to the right of the currently selected operation
SHIFT+Arrow left Select or deselect operation to the left of the currently selected operation
ALT+Arrow right Select the next operation in the route of the currently selected operation
ALT+Arrow left Select the previous operation in the route of the currently selected operation
ALT+SHIFT+Arrow right Add the next operation in the route to the selection.
ALT+SHIFT+Arrow left Add the previous operation in the route to the selection.
CTRL+Arrow right Move currently selected operation(s) 1 pixel to the right. The move can be undone by pressing CTRL+Z
CTRL+Arrow left Move currently selected operation(s) 1 pixel to the left. The move can be undone by pressing CTRL+Z
SHIFT+CTRL+Arrow right Move currently selected operation(s) 10 pixels to the right. The move can be undone by pressing CTRL+Z
SHIFT+CTRL+Arrow left Move currently selected operation(s) 10 pixels to the left. The move can be undone by pressing CTRL+Z
or SHIFT+F10 Show windows context menu with choices available for the currently selected operation
CTRL+R Change between showing resource overview or single resource view for the currently chosen operation. If operations have been selected for more than a single resource, the single resource view of the first resource as defined by the currently active view will be shown.
Delete Delete the selected production order or operation.
F1 Move horizon long period back in time
F2 Move horizon short period back in time
F3 Move horizon short period forward time
F4 Move horizon long period forward time
F6 Move visible horizon with starting date set to time and date now
F5 (Only ROB-EX viewer) Reread the currently active working plan from file


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