With this dialog you can perform maintenance of your templates. There are 3 kinds of templates
- Macros (automation of often performed tasks)
- Table properties (e.g. what table columns to show) and
- View layouts (what text to show about Gantt bars).
Templates in use for a ROB-EX client are always stored locally for each user – but the template can be published and made available to other users..
You can access the Templates window in two ways:
- from the menu: Functions->Settings->General under the tab File, and
- when it is automatically made visible during startup of your ROB-EX client, in the event of new templates being available that you may choose to collect.
Creating and publishing templates
As a user with planner privileges, you can make or edit a template locally on a client and then publish it to Common, from where other clients can get it and overwrite their own local copy. To publish any selected template simply select the template and next select “Publish” or “Force publish” as action for that template (see picture below). When you press the “Ok” button these templates are exported and will be immediately available to other clients the next time they restart their client.
As mentioned one can choose to “Publish” or “Force publish” a template, the only difference being that when force publishing, the user will not get to choose if he wants to override his local version, it will automatically be overridden.
When publishing a template a comment can be attached. This is done by first choosing publish and then click in the comment field next to the template, then a comment can be written.
Importing templates created by other users
Each template has a version number being increased every time a users publishes a template. On startup of a ROB-EX client (both planner and viewer clients) the “Update template” window is automatically opened (unless “Force publish” was used) if any template in the Common area is newer than a corresponding local template.
The version number shown in the column “Local” are the version of the template currently loaded into your ROB-EX client. The version with the highest version number is the most recent version (if you rest the mouse cursor over a version number you will also see a date for when it was edited).
If you choose to overwrite the macro “HTML report” (see picture below), the version you have locally will be lost forever and will be replaced by the one available from the Common area.
Help: This button will show this help page.
Show all: Toggle between showing all templates and only those where Common has a newer version than Local.
Ok: This will finish and perform the chosen actions.
Cancel: This will finish and not perform any actions.
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