Updating the client

Download the Full Setup program to a directory on your local hard disk or file server.

Next ensure that all ROB-EX Planner or ROB-EX Viewer users do not use the program, updating can only take place if all users have shut down their ROB-EX Client Apps.

  1. Run the setup program (e.g. SetupRobex_v7.
  2. In the first Welcome window click Next.
  3. Select “Update” as the “installation type”, click “Next”
  4. Click “I Agree” to accept the terms.
  5. Select the product to update. “Planner update” to update ROB-EX Planner, etc. click “Next”
  6. Review the suggested directory of the existing ROB-EX installation using the “Browse” button if the suggested location is not correct.
  7. Click “Next” to start the update. Wait for the update to complete.
  8. You are now ready to run the new version. To check if you have updated correctly, start ROB-EX Gantt and make sure that the correct version number appears in the Help->About ROB-EX client menu. Alternatively, the version number is also displayed in the lower left corner of the main screen.

List items 1-8 are repeated for both ROB-EX Planner, ROB-EX Viewer and ROB-EX Integration Client. If ROB-EX is installed locally on one or more other PCs, sections 1-7 must also be repeated on these PCs.


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