The same ROB-EX installer is able to install all the different components of ROB-EX
- Planner and Viewer Desktop Client
- Integration Client
- Floating License Server
- Multiuser Server (including ROB-EX Web Planner)
The ROB-EX installer is started up multiple times – each time selecting what component to install. I.e. to install both the ROB-EX Desktop Planner and Floating License Server then start the installer twice.
Installer startup command parameters
The installer parameters includes the Silent Install option /D which will run the installer without any UI popping up. This mode may be used for automatic unsupervised installations.
Important notes
- All /X flags are case sensitive. So /S will work. /s will not work
- If the silent install switch /S is not specified but other parameters are, then the UI wizard(s) for the used parameter(s) will be skipped. This to allow semi-automatic installs with pre-selected parameter values. As an example if specifying a /IM=new parameter but not /S, the wizard page to select Install Mode for New or Update is not shown – but other wizard pages to e.g. select component to install are still shown.
/S | Runs the installer in silent mode. No UI will show – unless problems occur in which case popup dialogs may show and will require manual intervention. |
/D | Specifies the installation directory. Important: If specified must be last parameter provided and must not be within quote " characters! If not specified then when
/IM | Specifies the Install Mode. If not specified * is the default. Note that specifying /IM=update with an installation directory not pointing to a valid already existing installation, will have the effect of creating a non-working folder with only files supplied during an update. The following parameter values are supported:
/CP | Specifies the Component to install. The following parameter values are supported (* is the default if no /CP parameter is specified):
/LA | Specifies the Client Language – only used for /CP=planner|planneric|viewer Examples (for additional languages see the online manual):
/DBN | Specifies the Database name – only used for /CP=musrv and /IM=new. Default is /DBN=GanttMultiuser |
/DBS | Specifies the Database server name – only used for /CP=musrv and /IM=new. Default is /DBS=localhost. |
Examples running from cmd.exe
Important: start cmd.exe as Administrator in order to avoid getting UAC prompts to accept elevation to Administrator.
The following example will silently install the Viewer program using default values for installation directory and startup language:
SetupRobexTest_v7.2.exe /CP=viewer /S
Silently install the ROB-EX Desktop Planner into directory “C:\Program Files\Planner72” with Danish as the startup language:
SetupRobexTest_v7.2.exe /CP=planner /S /LA="da DK" /D=C:\Program Files\Planner72
Silently update Multiuser Server installation waiting for the installation to complete. Special Database Server and Database name is provided:
start /wait SetupRobexTest_v7.2.exe /IM=update /CP=musrv /DBS="DBSRV\SQLEXPRESS" /DBN=MyRobexDB_2 /S /D=c:\Program Files (x86)\ROB-EX\ganttServerG2_2
Examples running from PowerShell
In PowerShell, compared to cmd/bat, the trick is to use the & call operator and then to specify the .exe and the arguments as two space separated text strings
& '.\SetupRobexTest_v7.2.exe' '/IM=new /CP=licsrv /S /D=c:\Program Files (x86)\ROB-EX\licsrv'
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