A Support that exceeds expectations

”ROB-EX controls entire productions, so help must be available immediately, if something goes wrong. We have a real responsibility towards our customers. Here we’re dedicated to making good on the customer’s trust in us,” says Support Team Lead at ROB-EX A/S, Katrine Tangaa Andresen, and she continues: ”We’re not a tucked away support unit that customers only get to meet after the activation process. We’re actively involved from the beginning of each project. We participate in the initial meetings and we guide customers through the installation. This makes us really well equipped to support our customers after the activation.

Production scheduling: Is best-of-breed software better than all-in-one solutions?

The short answer is: Yes! Your choice of business management systems is pivotal to company operations. It often seems convenient and less complicated to have one system for managing everything. Not only does it seem simpler, it also stands to reason that one comprehensive system is cheaper than buying several specialised solutions. Everything is put into one system and you only need to pay one subscription. But is it really correct that you benefit more and save money by going for an all-in-one solution?

ROB-EX 7.4 is ready for download

Our primary focus in the new version is our ROB-EX Web Planner, which has undergone yet another major development. A development that we are incredibly proud to be able to present and which we are sure will add great value to all users, as ROB-EX Web Planner is now even more accessible and easy to use.

Your choice of business systems significantly impacts company efficiency

The reality that we live in today makes it extremely important and basically essential that manufacturing companies start investing in the right tools for efficient production scheduling. No one can predict the precisce challenges of tomorrow. Over the last several years, we have seen the world changing before our eyes – some changes occur from one moment to the next. Such changes inevitably generate – and will continue to generate – a lot of disruption in the markets and in the supply chain. Today, more than ever, manufacturing companies must be prepared and equipped to manage sudden and unexpected changes in order to survive.

We had the needed overview the minute we were up and running

All responsibilities concerning scheduling were allocated to a single employee. This meant that one man was responsible for keeping production up and running at all times, for ensuring that the required orders were produced and for ensuring that produced goods were delivered on time. This is a heavy burden for any one man to bear. We really needed help, and we chose ROB-EX as our solution to solving the problems.”

ROB-EX is an important step toward digitization

It was really great that we went live with ROB-EX at the time, we did, as we were super busy. If we’ve had to do it all manually, we might had lost sight of it. And we can see now that ROB-EX is the perfect solution for us

ROB-EX tells you what is actually happening

With ROB-EX, we have really gained a full overview of production, and it’s simply great. Especially since we set up viewers in production, so that everyone can see what’s going. Virtually everyone in the company uses ROB-EX – even our owner and CPO