FlexRules in this category changes the behavior of ROB-EX Scheduler business rules.
Operation resource filter
A FlexRule which is called whenever business rules needs to establish the net-list of possible resources, that an operation may be assigned to. This is needed whenever
- Scheduling rules are executed with the Allow move to alternative resource option enabled
- When the user selects the drop down to manually switch resource of an operation
The input to the FlexRule is the operation in question, i.e. the input expression is called once for each operation evaluated.
If the input expression evaluates to boolean FALSE, then the business logic of selecting between alternative resource, will ignore any further actions of this FlexRule. If however, the input expression evaluates to boolean TRUE, then the next expression 2, will be called once for each possible resource alternative. The gross list of possible resources, is the list configured on the master operation. If expression 2 evaluates to FALSE, then this resource is not an allowed alternative for the operation in question.
Example usages of this FlexRule type
- Welding operations with an order size greater than 100 is not allowed on resource X, Y, Z
The example screen shot shown below, shows a FlexRule working on production orders with a size greater than 100. In that case make sure the order is not assigned to resource ‘Laser 1’. The input expression 1 evaluates to TRUE for any operation assigned to a production order with size greater than 100. In that case the next expression 2 evaluates only to TRUE, when the resource does not have the name ‘Laser 1’.
Notice how the list of alternative resources excludes Laser 1, on the basis of FlexRule (FR) with name No large orders on Laser 1. I.e. selected order 1001 has a quantiy of 150 pcs.
Picture below shows the alternative resources for a production order 1000 with quantity of 100 pcs, in which case Laser 1 is also an alternative.
Resource operation filter
A FlexRule which is called whenever business rules needs to establish the net-list of possible resources, that an operation may be assigned to. This is needed whenever
- Scheduling rules are executed with the Allow move to alternative resource option enabled
- When the user selects the drop down to manually switch resource of an operation
The input to the FlexRule is the resource in question. I.e. the business rule determines first the net-list of possible resources, and then calls the input expression once for each possible resource.
If the input expression evaluates to boolean FALSE, then the business logic of selecting between alternative resource, will ignore any further actions of this FlexRule. If however, the input expression evaluates to boolean TRUE, then the next expression 2, will be called once, to determine if this exact operation is allowed on this resource. The gross list of possible resources, is the list configured on the master operation. If expression 2 evaluates to FALSE, then this operation is not an allowed alternative for the resource in question.
Example usages of this FlexRule type
- Resource X is not allowed to carry out sub-operation Y when the primary operation is assigned to resource Z
- Resources of type ‘RT1’ can only carry out simple ‘Manual cutting’ – not ‘CNC cutting’
The example screen shot shown below, shows a FlexRule targeted specifically for the resource Paul. Notice that the Operator operation is a sub-operation of the primary laser cutting operation. The input expression 1 evaluates to TRUE for any operation assigned to a resource with name ‘Paul’ ( input.name=='Paul'
). In that case the next expression 2 evaluates only to TRUE, when the currently assigned primary operation is not assigned to resource with name ‘Laser 1’. Notice that the primary operation is looked up with input.subOperationParent
. The ‘?’ in subOperationParent?
is needed, to avoid null pointer exceptions in those cases where an operation assigned to Paul is a normal operation not having any primary parent operation.
Notice how the list of alternative resources now exclude Paul, on the basis of FlexRule (FR) with name Paul no qualification for Laser 1.
Picture below shows the alternative resources for an Operator operation where the primary operation is assigned to resource Laser 2 .
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