This will calculate resource load data and save it to the GanttMultiuser database in table EReportingHistory.
Notice that the client has to be logged in to the multiuser! As an alternative see WorkloadOverviewExportII
Example parameter configuration
Parameter descriptions
(* = configuration required)
1 = Planned hours (Produced + Left)
2 = Produced hours
3 = Remaining hours
Default 1
1 = As reported
2 = From duration (not supported – only added for future)
Default 1
Data from all resources in the plan will be exported. Enabling this will disregard parameters resourceTypeBitNo and resourceViewName. Default false.
If true existing data will be overwritten. Matches on: siteId, snapshotId, resourceId, periodStart, periodEnd and valueType. If false new data is always appended – resulting in having multiple instances of same periods. Default true.
Number of days, weeks or months – dependent on the periodType setting. Default is 5.
D, W or M (day, week or month). Default is D.
Resources to include in the report can be selected by assigning a resource type to them. Here the enabled bit flag (called “Optional sub categories” in “Edit resource” dialog – on tab “Resource types”.). By default the bit 15 must be set in order to include the resource. Ignored if includeAllResources is enabled or if resourceViewName is specified.
Export resources in specified resource view. Ignored if includeAllResources is enabled.
Can be used to distinguish different reports. The snapshotId will be saved into the report table. Thus two identical periods can be compared which has been generated at different times (with different snapshotIds).
It is also possible to put a dateformat in curly brackets as a part of the snapshotId – i.e. std_
{ww}. This will output “std_13” if the current week is 13.
For info about the possible formats see this link
The start date from where the workload calculation should be performed.
The keyword “this week” corresponds to Monday morning at 00:00 in the current week. It is possible to add and subtract by specifying for instance ‘this w-3w+2d’ (or ‘this week – 3weeks + 2days’) (also see period parameter). Please notice that ‘m’ corresponds to month and NOT minute.
Supported notation: “now” or “this week”- , y/year(s), m/mon/month(s), w/week(s), d/day(s), h/hour(s), min/minute(s) and s/sec/second(s).
The default is ‘this week’.
If ‘M’ is specified in ‘periodType’ the calculation will be performed from the first day in the month specified in this field. For instance if ‘this week + 2 days ‘ are specified – resulting in for instance the 18th of Nov, the calculation will be performed from the 1st of Nov at 00:00 in the morning.
If ‘W’ had been specified in ‘periodType’ the calculation would be performed from Monday the 15th of Nov at 00:00 in the morning.
At last if ‘D’ is specified in ‘periodType’ the calculation will be performed from the 18th of Nov from 00:00 in the morning.
Thus specifying hours, minutes or seconds will not give any effect.
1 = Both (produced + remaining)
2 = Produced hours
3 = Remaining hours
Default 1
Specify a comma separated operation state list to include in the workload calculation.
Example: If ’20, 40’ is specified only operations with state planned or startet is included in the workload calculation.
Possible states:
15 Reserved/Forecast
20 Planned
30 Start possible
40 Started
50 Paused
60 Cancelled
70 Completed
If nothing is specified all states are included.
Possible values for now: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
1 = Used hours
2 = Available hours
3 = Total closed calendar hours
4 = Closed calendar from resource specific calendar exceptions
5 = Closed calendar from week / holiday calendars
Each value type corresponds to a new row in the table.
Default is “1, 2”
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