The Order list contains many features for searching, sorting and filtering out production orders.
Configuring displayed columns
Make sure you have added all the important columns you need to the order list. The table is 100% configurable when it comes to adding and removing columns. For a description about how to add and remove columns, see the topic on Adding and removing table columns
Columns in the order list can be moved in order to show the most important information first. Left mouse click on any column header and pull the column to the desired place.
The column widths may be adjusted.
Any change to columns will be remembered next time you restart your ROB-EX client.
Searching the Order list
The search panel available just below the filtering toolbar, supports both simple and more advanced searches of production orders.
For a general description about searching inside tables, see Search panel.
Sorting the Order list
It is possible to sort the order list based on all information in the order list. Press one of the headlines in the order list in order to sort on the selected column. An arrow next to the headline shows if the list has been sorted in a descending or an ascending sequence.
When only sorting on a single row, then rows are sorted by a second, third or even fourth column. For instance when sorting on delivery date and some orders have the same delivery date, they will be sorted also by priority, then project no. and lastly order no. Most columns are sorted by this default chain:
- The column itself
- Priority
- Project no.
- Order no.
However some exceptions exist:
The column Order no. is sorted next by priority and project no.
The column Delivery exceeded is sorted next by delivery date, priority, project no and order no.
The column Priority is sorted next by delivery date, project no. and order no.
Operations in order
In the list to the right operations of the production order route is displayed. You may add and remove columns to this list just like any other table within ROB-EX (see Adding and removing table columns).
Use the operation rows to get overview but also to edit operation level settings like resource, capacity, status etc.
For more advanced editing of the production order route, click the Route button in the toolbar.
With this function it is possible to filter production orders of the order list so only production orders with a certain status are displayed. More than one status may be enabled simultaneously. It is possible to select among the following status:
- Incomplete
- New
- Forecast
- Scheduled
- Released
- Start possible
- Started
- Cancelled
- Completed
- Express orders – see the “Filter” drop down icon in the toolbar of the Order list window
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