This will select operations based on the specified parameter settings. The parameters can be combined i.e. both resource and status can be used etc. As an example select all operations on a given resource having order state Started.

You would typically use the SelectComponents command, as a prior step to other commands acting on a list of selected operations. As an example the Schedule or Pegging macro commands.

Example parameter configuration

Example parameter configuration – select forward/backward

How to use the forward/backward selection

  1. Fill out the parameters as shown in the above example. If macros for both forward and backward selection are needed, create a new macro with the above parameters, but specify backward in the direction.
  2. Select some operations as shown below

  1. Provided that the macros have enabled the ‘Show on toolbar’ setting, select the macro.

  1. The result of a forward selection

Parameter descriptions

(* = configuration required)

The type of components that should be selected:
order = all operations in the found production order will be selected
operation = all found operations will be selected

The type of date selection:
startend = Operation which intersects with the time interval given in the parameter startDate and endDate will be selected
totimenow = All operations which ends before time now is selected
fromtimenow = All operations which starts after time now is selected

This is used for selecting operations forward or backward from already selected operations.
Please notice that SelectedOperation must be specified in the resources parameter.


The end date used if dateSelectType = startend. The date format is: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
It is also possible to specify for instance now+2w+1d.

The supported codes are: H(hours), d(days), w(weeks), M(months), y(years).

Should the macro fail to parse the input using the above notation, the below alternative notation will be used:

Notation: “now” or “this week”- , y/year(s), m/mon/month(s), w/week(s), d/day(s), h/hour(s), min/minute(s) and s/sec/second(s).

The keyword “this week” corresponds to Monday morning at 00:00 in the current week.

It is possible to add and subtract by specifying for instance ‘this w-3w+2d’ (or ‘this week – 3weeks + 2days’).

OBS: In this notation, ‘m’ corresponds to month and NOT minute.

Exclude operations with the given status level from the selection. More status levels can be specified. E.g.: 15,40,70
10 = New
15 = Forecast
20 = Planned
30 = Start Possible
40= Started
50 = Paused
60 = Cancelled
70 = Completed

Exclude operations/productionorders with the given productionorder status level, form the selection. More status levels can be specified. Ex.: 15,40,70
10 = New
15 = Forecast
20 = Planned
30 = Released
40 = Start Possible
50= Started
60 = Paused
70 = Cancelled
80 = Completed

Operations on the given resources will be excluded from the selection.

Operations with the given status levels will be selected. More status levels can be specified. Ex.: 40,70. If empty, all status levels will be used except the ones specified in the parameter excludeOperationStatusLevel
10 = New
15 = Forecast
20 = Planned
30 = Start Possible
40= Started
50 = Paused
60 = Cancelled
70 = Completed

Operations/productionorders with the given productionorder status level, will be selected. More status levels can be specified. Ex.: 10,40,70. If empty, all status levels will be used except the ones specified in the parameter excludeOrderStatusLevel
10 = New
15 = Forecast
20 = Planned
30 = Released
40 = Start Possible
50= Started
60 = Paused
70 = Cancelled
80 = Completed

Only operations on the given resources will be selected. More resources can be given. Ex.:Machine1,Machine2. If empty all resources is used except the ones specified in the parameter excludeResources.
Specify SelectedOperation in order to get operations selected on resources where operations are already selected. Ex.: Instead of specifying ‘Machine1, Machine2’ just select an operation on each of those resources.

The SelectedOperation parameter must also specified in order to select forward/backward from already selected operations.

Specify selectedResource in order to get operations selected on the selected “single resource view”. If multiple resource names are given (in a comma separated list) and this option is one of them and a single resource view is selected the other resource names are ignored.

Sorts the selected operations/productionorders from one of the following parameters:
materialdate = sort by the production order material date
deliverydate = sort by the production order delivery date
startdate = sort by the operation start date
enddate = sort by the operation end date

priority= Sort by priority
priority&delivery= Sort by priority and delivery
delivery&priority = Sort by delivery and priority

Tip: To review the order of the selection, right click one of the selected operations and select menu ‘Find order’. Then sort by the ‘Sel.’ column in the order list window.

The sort direction:

See endDate.


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