ROB-EX Desktop Planner or ROB-EX Desktop Viewer

  1. Windows 10/11/2012R2/2016/2019/2022 64-bit OS (32-bit is not supported)
    • Recommended is Windows 10/11 with I5/I7 8th generation or newer processor
  2. 8 GB memory or better. 16 GB is recommended.
  3. Minimum 1600×900 or better monitor.
    • For best experience use 1920×1080 monitor
  4. Hard drive space required approx. 200 MB.
  5. The windows registry is not used by the ROB-EX Desktop Client.
  6. Chrome-browser for running ROB-EX web apps

The preferred way is to install the ROB-EX Scheduler client code on a shared file server. This way multiple clients share the same program code, making it easier to manage and update the software.

As an alternative a complete installation of the client program can also be made on the users local hard drive. Only recommended on Laptop or home computers without access to the company network.

Client installation is supported on Windows Terminal Server, Microsoft App-V and Citrix Terminal Server.

Licenses are by default delivered as network licenses (also known as concurrent users or “floating licenses”), but can also be delivered as named licenses (the latter is necessary to run ROB-EX Scheduler on laptop computers without access to the company network). To learn more about license types see the document Planning the client installation

ROB-EX Web Planner and ROB-EX Web Viewer

  1. Google Chrome major version 104 or later
  2. Microsoft Edge major version 104 or later
  3. Firefox major version 104 or later
  4. Single http/https firewall port opening to ROB-EX Server (exact port number is configurable defaulting to port 9090)

Read more about ROB-EX Web Planner and ROB-EX Web Viewer

ROB-EX Scheduler Multiuser server

The role of the server is to coordinate multiple users (i.e. ROB-EX Scheduler clients) planning at the same time and persist changes to a central SQL database.

The Multiuser server has the following system requirements:

  1. Windows Server 2012R2/2016/2019/2022. Can also run on Windows 10/11 workstations.
  2. Min. 10 GB RAM or more recommended.
  3. Hard disk space approx. 10 GB free.
  4. Standard TCP/IP LAN.
  5. Microsoft SQL Server (all Editions of 2014/2016/2017/2019/2022 are supported including the Express Edition). Both 32-bit and 64-bit SQL server is supported.
  6. Virtualized server OS is supported.
  7. The Multiuser server runs as a standard Windows service.
  1. Windows server 2016/2019/2022, Xeon/I5/I7 8th generation or newer (Server)
  2. CPU and Memory requirements
    • For single site installs without test environment and with SQL server on separate server: 10 GB RAM and 2 vCPU’s
    • For 2+ sites or with SQL server running on same server as ROB-EX: 16 GB RAM and min of 4 vCPU’s
  3. Chrome-browser for running ROB-EX web apps


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