This is the list of properties which can be used on e.g. the <show>
element when configuring HTML reports and Shop Floor pages.
*Are you missing a field? In that case use the LayoutItem property for a given entity followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a Layout Item. The full list of layout items id’s are available on the following page: Variable list of columns.
As an example the following <show>
element will show custom Text8 of the production order (Important: lower and upper case matters for the layout item id, but not for the property names).
<show property="operationlist.productionorder.LayoutItem.order_custom_text8"
The properties belongs to the following basegroup
entities (i.e. resource is the base-group when your report table configuration reads <reporttable baseGroup="resource" .. />
Property |
Description |
AvailabilityUsed |
Color |
CustomProperty |
Description |
Effectivity |
GroupCategoryName |
GroupName |
HorizontalSum |
Id |
IdInListFilter |
Idinlistsort |
Name |
OperationList |
OprGroupList |
PossibleSubstituteList |
ProductionOrderList |
Project |
ProjectLocation |
ResTypeName |
Status |
sum |
sumGanttChart |
Type0Name |
Type1Name |
Type2Name |
Property |
Description |
AlternateNameAndName |
Color |
Customer |
CustomProperty |
EarliestStartCalendar |
EndCalendar |
Id |
IdInListFilter |
LatestEndCalendar |
LayoutItem |
Use this followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a Layout Item. The full list of layout items id’s are available on the following page: Variable list of columns. |
Name |
Number |
OperationList |
OperationTime |
ProductionOrderList |
ProjectManager |
ProjectManagerAndResponsibles |
Responsible1 |
Responsible2 |
StartCalendar |
VariableString |
Property |
Description |
AlternateName |
Color |
Customer |
customBoolean1 |
customBoolean2 |
customBoolean3 |
CustomInt1 |
CustomInt2 |
CustomProperty |
CustomText1 |
CustomText2 |
CustomText3 |
CustomText4 |
CustomText5 |
CustomText6 |
CustomText7 |
CustomText8 |
DateNow |
DeliveredTo |
DeliveryExceeded |
DeliveryMethodName |
DeliveryType |
Description |
EarliestStartCalendar |
EndCalendar |
FirstOperation |
GanttChart |
HasTransport |
HasTransportText |
Id |
IdInListFilter |
IndexInProject |
LatestEndCalendar |
LatestOperation |
LayoutItem |
Use this followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a Layout Item. The full list of layout items id’s are available on the following page: Variable list of columns. |
MaterialCalendar |
MaxEndCalendar |
MinStartCalendar |
Name |
NameNumber |
NextOperation |
NonFinishedOperationCount |
OperationCount |
OperationList |
OperationSequence |
OperationTime |
OrderedByName |
OrderedByPhone |
Precondition |
Priority |
Product |
ProgressPercent |
This property returns the amount of work done. |
Project |
Quantity |
SelectionIndex |
StartCalendar |
Status |
StatusText |
statusTextAllowedTransitions |
Transport |
VariableString |
WorkloadSum |
Property |
Description |
id |
Item |
ModelId |
Name |
OperationSequence |
ProductionOrder |
Property |
Description |
Color |
CustomProperty |
Description |
id |
ModelOperationSequence |
Name |
OperationList |
Product |
Type |
Property |
Description |
AccountCalendar |
ActualEndCalendar |
ActualStartCalendar |
AmountAvailable |
AmountBooked |
AmountRequested |
ApplyAsReference |
AttachedDocumentsIcon |
AttachedDocumentsList |
Baseline1End |
Baseline1Start |
Capacity |
Color |
CostBudgeted |
CostBudgetedFixed |
CostRealised |
CustomBoolean1 |
CustomBoolean2 |
CustomProperty |
CustomText1 |
CustomText2 |
CustomText3 |
CustomText4 |
DeliveryExceeded |
DeliveryMethodName |
Description |
Duration |
durationformated |
DurationInHours |
EmptyStartCalendar |
EndCalendar |
ExtraCostRealised |
ExtraPriceRealised |
FillupEndCalendar |
FirstPossibleStartCalendar |
ganttchart |
HaveAttachedDocuments |
Id |
IdInListFilter |
IndexInSequence |
IsToBeFollowedUp |
Returns true if this operation should have been completed by now. More formally returns true when an operation has a scheduled end before time NOW and does not have status Complete. Used as a default criteria in the standard “Follow-up list” HTML report. |
Label |
LatestProgressReport |
LatestProgressReportUpdate |
LayoutItem |
Use this followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a Layout Item. The full list of layout items id’s are available on the following page: Variable list of columns. |
LocationProjectName |
LocationProjectNumber |
ModelColor |
ModelIdInListFilter |
ModelName |
Name |
NearestNextOperationStartCalendar |
NextOperation |
NextOperationStartCalendar |
Number |
OperationSequence |
OprEfficiency |
PlannedEndCalendar |
PlannedStartCalendar |
PlannedWorkload |
PossibleResourceList |
PostQueueEndCalendarFromStartCalendar |
PostQueueTime |
PrevOperation |
PriceBudgeted |
PriceBudgetedFixed |
PriceRealised |
ProductionOrder |
ProgressAddEmptyingHours |
ProgressAddFillUpHours |
ProgressAddSetupHours |
ProgressAddSwitchOverHours |
ProgressAddWorkloadHours |
ProgressCalendar |
ProgressDiffEmptyingHours |
ProgressDiffFillupHours |
ProgressDiffSetupHours |
ProgressDiffSwitchOverHours |
ProgressDiffWorkloadHours |
ProgressEmptyingHours |
ProgressFillupHours |
progresshours |
ProgressHoursAdd |
ProgressHoursLeft |
progresshoursstep |
progresspercent |
This property returns either the amount of work left or done. Example: 10% of the work is done “progresspercent.left,#.#%” => “90%” (Default, same as “progresspercent.#.#%”) “progresspercent.done,#.#%” => “10%” (Note the above use of “,” in place of the usual “.” after “left” and “done”) |
ProgressPercentAdd |
progresspercentstep |
progressquantity |
ProgressQuantityAdd |
ProgressQuantityLeft |
progressquantitystep |
ProgressScrapQuantity |
ProgressSetupHours |
ProgressSwitchOverHours |
ProgressWorkloadHours |
Quantity |
QuantityFactor |
QuantityFinished |
RawMaterialAccessList |
ReferenceEndCalendar |
Resource |
ResourceCategory |
ResourceList |
ResourceTypeName |
ScheduledEmptyingHours |
ScheduledFillUpHours |
ScheduledSetupHours |
ScheduledSwitchOverHours |
ScheduledWorkloadHours |
SelectResource |
SetupEndCalendar |
SetUpTime |
StartCalendar |
StatusColor |
StatusLevel |
StatusText |
statusTextAllowedTransitions |
SwitchOverStartCalendar |
TargetCapacity |
TargetWorkload |
totalformatedworkload |
totalworkload |
Type |
VariableString |
ViewLayoutString |
workload |
WorkloadDifference |
WorkloadFactor |
WorkloadFormatted |
Property |
Description |
Cat1Val1 |
Cat1Val2 |
Cat1Val3 |
ConsumingSum |
ConsumingSumDoubleVal |
Description |
Id |
IdInListFilter |
IdInListSort |
MaxInventory |
MaxInventoryCalendar |
MaxInventoryLimit |
MinInventory |
MinInventoryCalendar |
MinInventoryLimit |
Name |
Number |
ProducingSum |
ProducingSumDoubleVal |
TotalInventory |
transactionList |
unit |
Property |
Description |
category1SelectedValue |
category2SelectedValue |
category3SelectedValue |
creationDate |
creationDateMillis |
customer |
description |
endDate |
endDateMillis |
expirationDate |
expirationDateMillis |
IdInListFilter |
internalBatchNo |
lastChanged |
lastChangedMillis |
quantity |
responsible |
startDate |
startDateMillis |
statusChangedBy |
supplier |
supplierBatchNo |
transactionType |
unit |
warehouse |
Property |
Description |
ActualConsumption |
description |
ExpectedConsumption |
idInListFilter |
internalBatchNo |
LayoutItem |
Use this followed by ‘.’ (period) and then the id of a Layout Item. The full list of layout items id’s are available on the following page: Variable list of columns. |
Operation |
QuantityRate |
RawMaterial |
responsible |
StaticQuantity |
statusChangedBy |
supplier |
supplierBatchNo |
TransactionType |
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