This setting controls text on labels, menus, buttons, etc. Add the locale parameter as shown below. In the example the parameters “en IE” (case matters !!!) added to the Target line will start a client with English (en) language using Irish (IE) regional setting.

The User’s Manual will always be in English – no matter what the selection of the Runtime Language is.

The following locales are currently supported (if nothing is specified it defaults to “da DK”).

Language Region/Country and additional notes Parameter
English Irish. Use this setting to get English user interface language but with the same week numbering as in e.g. Denmark/Sweden/Norway. en IE
English USA en US
English Great Britain en GB
Chinese Simplified zh CN
Danish da DK
German Germany de DE
Dutch nl NL
Finnish fi FI
French France
For other French speaking countries also see Supported Locales
fr FR
Norwegian no NO
Polish pl PL
Russian From and newer ru RU
Spanish Spain. Note that the Spanish translation is Latin American biased. es ES
Spanish Mexico es MX
Spanish Argentina
For other Spanish speaking countries also see Supported Locales
es AR
Swedish sv SE


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