The search panel offers advanced search functionality where multiple fields can be combined and various search criteria can be set up. The search panel is by default shown in simple mode – thus only one search field is visible. It’s possible to unfold it by pressing the button and more fields can be added by pressing the button.
The order list search panel also has the possibility to delete, load and save (indicated by the buttons , respectively) a search panel configuration.
When saving a configuration it is possible to indicate if the values of the fields should be save as well. This makes it possible to save a configuration where we always filter on e.g. Status=New.
Changing the configuration of the current search panel will not have an effect on any of the saved configurations. In order to edit a saved configuration, the configuration would have to be loaded, changed, and then save again with the save name to override the existing configuration.
Below the search panel is shown in context with the order list. It’s also available in “Edit->Routes” and “Edit->Project list”.
In the above example a search from the order list has been performed where four search fields are combined. The order no. must contain “1500”, the delivery date must be between “01-08-2015” and “25-09-2015”..
- Order no. must contain the string “15000”. The plus ( ) indicates that it’s a text search. Right click the star for options.
Regular expression is a search language which offers advanced search functionality. For how to write regular expressions consult online internet resources. - Delivery (After): Must be after the selected date. When the selected field is a date or a number it’s possible to select “before” / “after” or “less than” / “greater than” in the right click menu.
- Delivery (before): Must be before the selected date.
- Priority: Must be less than the entered number.
Select a search field
By pressing the black arrow at a search field a drop down menu with some default fields appears. If the wanted field isn’t in the list click on the Field chooser in order to add more fields to the list.
Remove a search field
A search field can be removed from the search panel by pressing “Remove” in the drop down menu of the search field to remove.
Advanced date search
When selecting a date as search field (see Select a search field) it is possible to define a format that can be used in the search, see below.
Now with the delivery date format set to w=week, we can do e.g. a search to get all deliveries after week 42.
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