Find the button to open the order list in the top menu.
Click on the button and the order list will slide in on the right-hand side of the screen, to slide the order list out again use the arrow to the left of the header orders. The picture below shows the order list with all the orders for the plan.
The below picture shows and explains the options in the order list.
Create order
- Click on the plus button to create a new order. For more information about Create new order
Selected order
- Showing the number of the selected orders in the order list.
Find order
- Select an order and click the eye icon and the order will be highlighted in the Gantt chart.
Schedule order
- Select one or more orders in the order list. Click the arrow button to plan the order. Choose one of the planning strategies Forward from now, Forward from material date, Forward from date, or Backward from the delivery date. For more information about the planning strategy, see the section Scheduling
Search order
- Search field, write the order number you want to search for and only the specific order will show up in the table.
Select order
- Checkbox for selecting the order.
Field chooser
- Click the gears button to open the field chooser for orders, to change the columns showing in the order list table. For more information see the section Field chooser
Delete order
- Delete a selected order from the order list.
Editing values for many orders in one operation
From v7.4.2 the order list supports changing the field value of many orders in one operation. As an example of changing the status for many orders in one operation:
- First select the orders to change status for using the left side check mark of each order row.
- Next click the Edit button in the Order list toolbar followed by a click on the column to mass edit. In this example the order status column
- A dialog opens allowing the new status value to be specified. Click OK and see the change happen.
Notice the new feature allows any field to be mass edited, not only the order status.
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