This function enables your to create an order with one operation directly in the Gantt chart. You start out by dragging a rectable in the Gantt chart rigit on the resource the order should book. The width of the rectable indicate start- and end time of the order.

This chapter describes the following:

Create an express order

Guidance in creating new orders in ROB-EX using the “Express order” function.

  1. Place the mouse cursor on the resource the new express order should be created. Place cursor on start time of the order (can be further adjusted later).
  2. “Frame” the period of time: Click and HOLD the left mouse button and draw a “rectangle” extending the time period of the express order.
  3. Click and HOLD the Ctrl-button. A small + sign indicates you are about to create an express order.
  4. Let go of the left mouse button (while keeping Ctrl pressed down). The window “Express order” is shown.
  1. In the fields Start and End the start- and end time for the period which was selected by the “rectable” is shown.
  2. Adjust if necessary the start- and end time.
  3. Possibly change the workload. In the section How operation start and end time are determined” it is described how the fields are updated if one of the other fields are changed.
  4. In the field Order number an order number must be entered. ROB-EX assigns automatically an order number when the order is made. It is not a requirement that it is a unique order number, i.e. if moddeling maintenance you may specify a small description as the order name.
  5. In the color field next to the order number the color assigned to the order may be changed. The color is shown when using the Gantt chart “Color by order” mode. ROB-EX automatically assigns a color to the order when it is created.
  6. The field Operation shows which operation the order belongs to. In the example above it is not possible to select other than “Assembly” for the resource. It is important to select the right operation as this information is used to generate the lists of alternative resources.
  7. When all information for the order is acceptable click the “Ok” button. The order is now created in the Gantt plan with status “Planned”.
  8. The order can be edited in the same way as other orders in ROB-EX, e.g. assigning setup, switch over, queue and transport times. Also you may edit the route adding more operations etc.

By enabling the function Change of bar length using mouse the duration of an operation can be changed in the Gantt plan by pulling the front or back edges of the operation.

Settings for creating an express order

By setting the time parameters for an express order, it is quicker to create a new express order. E.g. configured to automatically suggest a fixed start time or a constant duration/workload.

Settings may be changed both from the Express order window (tab “Settings”) or from the menu “Functions->Settings->General” the tab Express order. No matter which window is used, the result will be the same.

How operation start and end time are determined

The following table explains how the workload entered is converted into an operation start and end time on the created express order.

Resource configuration Description
Resource with resource calendar assigned The workload is always equal to the number of working hours indicated by the resource calendar between start and end time.
If the end time is changed the work load is changed automatically.
If the workload is changed the end time is changed automatically.
Resource without resource calendar assigned

No check mark in “Dur. -> Work.”
Workload and duration (the time between start and end of an operation) does not influence each other.
If start- or end time is changed, the workload is not changed automatically.
If the workload is changed, the start- and end time is not changed automatically.
Resource without resource calendar assigned

Check mark in “Dur. -> Work.”
The workload is calculated automatically when start- or end time is changed.
Start- and end time is not changed automatically if the work load is changed.


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