1. Once connected to the App, start out selecting the resources you would like to display. They are shown on the page in the sequence they are selected
  2. Select if you would like to display the resource KPI’s in Hours or in Quantity.
    • Note, that if Quantity is selected, then ROB-EX need Resource parameter Resource.capacity to be configured. It will default be 1. The parameter must hold the average production rate of this resource, since it is used to calculate the daily available amount of the resource.
  3. The URL generated can be bookmarked in your browser – and also shared with fellow colleagues via email or the like
    • Note the Resource Monitor App is an internal facing application, so you will not be able to reach the URL from the public internet. It will only work within the boundaries of your company network.
  4. The web-client app will automatically refresh every 5 minutes (hard-coded value, so this is not configurable)
  5. The available hours/capacity is a recalculation made on-the-fly. So if you close the shift-calendar on a resource, the available hours/capacity will immediately drop once a web-client is updated (i.e. the macro does not need to run in-between)
  6. The planned and actual hours/quantity is updated when the background macro “OperationProgressTracking” runs. The macro only considers operations within the current “active period”. The active period is the period of time around the point in time where the macro runs
    • Currently only a period of 24 hours is supported
    • The active period is a 24 hours interval. I.e. if the macro is running at “2018-01-23 10:00” the active period would be “2018-01-23 00:00 – 2018-01-24 00:00” per default
  7. The start and end time of intervals that progress is grouped in can be changed. The setting “startHourOfDay”, in the macro, moves the start forward up to 23 hours.
  8. The following rules applies regarding calculation of planned and actual hours/amounts for the individual operations
    • The planned hours from a non-started operation is locked to the resource it is assigned to, once its start time passes NOW (the vertical red line). This means that
      • Once a non-started operation drops behind time NOW (not being started as planned), then planned hours for that operation will “freeze” as planned hours/quantity for that resource.
      • This means, that if a non-started operation is moved in time from the past (e.g. from yesterday) and to today, this will not increase the planned hours for today of that machine. The hours of this operation only counts once it is started the first time.
      • If a non-started operation is moved in time from the future (e.g. from tomorrow) and to today, this will increase the planned hours for today of that machine.
    • Once work has started on an operation (it has status started or above), then planned hours is calculated once per active period. I.e. first time the operation is encountered by the macro – for a particular day, planned hours will be calculated. This to ensure planned hours are not randomly changing during the day.
      • Operation started on-time (started same day it was planned for): only the planned hours for that day is taken into consideration (this to ensure planned hours are not changed once actuals start to arrive)
      • Operation started ahead-of-schedule (early start, i.e. pulling new/extra work in): this will increase the planned hours for that day
      • Operation started behind-schedule (late start, i.e. backlog work): planned hours of active period will also increase.
    • Scheduling operations for tomorrow or later will never influence the planned work for today
  9. The language of the web-client follows the language of the integration client
    • Note that as of writing, the graph legends will always be displayed in Danish. Will be fixed in a later update


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