The ROB-EX Multiuser Server is automatically started through a dedicated Windows background service. This ensures that the server program is automatically started in the event that the server PC is rebooted.
Start from Windows services manager
Open the Windows Services program (Run->services.msc). Locate the “ROB-EX Server Instance #” service and start the service using the menu item “Actions->start”
In case of problems running the service consult the Trouble shooting Guide
Start manually (console mode)
For trouble shooting it is sometimes easier to run the ROB-EX server manually from the command line, because logging information is being constantly updated and visible.
- Open the folder:
- Double click the file
- A console window pops up and the server starts up. If the console window disappears, the server was unable to startup. In this case consult the Trouble shooting Guide
Note: The startup process may take app. 15-60 seconds. The ROB-EX Server is fully started when the black console screen reads gRPC Server started, listening on port 6566.
Test that Multiuser server is running
Test the workings of the installation by opening the following URL in a web browser: http://localhost:9090 (this tests the first instance, to test other instances go to the start menu, browse to ROB-EX and choose the link to the instance you want to test)
This will start the ROB-EX Multiuser Server web-client interface allowing you to administrate users.
Important note: the web-browser must support cookies, otherwise you will experience that you can log in but not go to any of the sub-pages. Make sure that cookie support is enabled (Internet Explorer security settings).
Login with user “Admin”.
Stopping the ROB-EX Multiuser Server
Depending on how the server was started two different ways of stopping the server exists
- If the server is started as a Windows background service, then it must be stopped from the Windows services window (Run->services.msc)
- If the server is started in console mode, then locate the ROB-EX Multiuser console window and close the window normally (press the closing cross in upper right corner of the console window) – wait app. 1 minute until the server has been shut down completely (the console window disappears).
For advanced users it is possible to modify parameters of the service without re-installing it. This is done using Regedit.exe searching for the nodes HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\<instance>\Parameters .As an example the memory max setting may be changed in attribute “Java->JvmMx”. |
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